If you are interested in any information about books. Please contact us. We will be glad to hear from you.
JORALEMON, David TREASURES OF PRE-COLUMBIAN ART: Collection of Janos Szekeres 64 p.of Olmec jades, polychrome Maya vases (full color, not published anywhere else), and Jaina figurines, etc.
JUSTESON, John, and L. Campbell, PHONETICISM IN MAYAN HIEROGLYPHIC WRITING, the most important single book on how to read the Mayan glyphs in an easy phonetic manner; contains articles from the world's leading epigraphers. Because this book is the only basic "textbook" on the new readings, it went immediately into out of print status, we have one copy, $120. You will not find this book offered widely elsewhere since everyone who bought it wants to hold on to it. 389p.
KANO, Chiaki, TAKAHASHI COLLECTION, The Americas, materials on the Americas from the Takahashi collection, 96p., Peru, Columbia, Costa Rica, MAYA, ballgame hacha, palma, polychrome vases, plates, bowls, eccentric flints (stela cache), eccentric obsidian, preclassic pottery, figurines, Maya polychrome enema scene, outstanding glyphs on giant Peten Maya plate.
KELKER, Nancy (ed), America Before Columbus: Pre-Columbian Art in the Collection of the San Antonio Museum of Art. Articles by Peter Furst, Hasso von Winning, Gordon McEwan. 132 p. including lots of photographs of pre- Columbian art not pictured in any other catalog. covers Maya art, Teotihuacan, Toltec, Aztec, Jalisco, Nayarit, Colima, Chupicuaro, Guerrero, Michoacan, Oaxaca plus Peruvian ceramics as well.
KING, Elizabeth (ed) Art and Environment in Native America, eight articles, includes: HALLUCINOGENS IN PRE-COLUMBIAN ART by Peter Furst, CLIMATE & ICONOGRAPHY IN PALENQUE SCULPTURE by George Kubler, and articles on Mexican and Peruvian art, 169 p.
KNOROZOV, Yuri, Maya Hieroglyphic Codices, 429p. of phonetic translations of the Maya codices from the Russian expert who first recognized how to use Bishop Landa's "alphabet" as a syllabic chart rather than a regular alphabet. An essential "bible" and dictionary for all who aspire to read Maya hieroglyphic writing. This was so popular it went into out of print status and is hard to find, (F.L.A.A.R. just cleaned out its warehouse of books we had bought five years ago and we found two original copies).
KUBLER, George, The Louise ; Walter Arensberg Collection: Pre-Columbian Sculpture
lots of yokes, palmas, hachas, plus Aztec, West Coast Mexico, Maya (vases also), 197 handsome photographs, virtually all full page size. Hardcover.
LANGE, Frederick W.(editor), Precolumbian Jade: New Geological and Cultural Interpretations, hardcover, w/25 color plates, 22 articles on styles and uses, 378p.
LAPORTE, Juan Pedro & VALDES, Juan Antonio, Tikal Y Uaxactun En El Preclasico, 8 articles, includes 60 architectural drawings of locations, a chronology of the area, 30 masks, 126p.
LARRALDE de SAENZ, Jacqueline, Cronicas en barro y piedra: Arte prehispanico de Mexico en la Coleccion Saenz : el periodo formativo (Spanish Edition), more than 500 B&W photographs of figurines, 19 full page color plates - all with descriptions, covers periods 1800-1000BC, 1000-500BC and 500BC - 100AD., 8 maps, includes a chronology of influences of cultures and city states from 1800BC to 1500AD., hardcover, 250p.
LAUGHLIN, Robert M. Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax Sundries from Zinacantan (Mexico) bi-lingual, Maya ethnography of Chiapas, Smithsonian Institution, out of print, 286p.
LAVAREZ, Carlos and Luis CASASOLA, Las figurillas de Jonuta, Tabasco (Proyecto Tierras bajas noroccidentales del area maya) (Spanish Edition), UNAM, 117 p, fully illustrated, these Fine Orange figurines from Jonuta are similar to those of Jaina and Palenque. Out of print, we could find just 2 copies in all Mexico in a three month search.
Lee, Thomas A. Jr., The artifacts of Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas, Mexico (Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation), 231p., Preclassic, fully illustrated, NWAF #26.
LEE, Thomas A. Jr., Mound 4 Excavations at San Isidro, Chiapas, Mexico (Papers of the New World Arch, 88p., archaeology field report, NWAF #34.
LEON-PORTILLA, Miguel, Tiempo y realidad en el pensamiento Maya: Ensayo de acercamiento (Serie de culturas mesoamericanas) (Spanish Edition), 2 maps, 7 B&W photos of glyphs and sculptures, 37 drawings of figures & glyphs, 214p.
LEYENAAR and Lee PARSONS, Ulama: Het balspel bij de Maya's en Azteken, 2000 v. Chr.-2000 n. Chr. : van mensenoffer tot sport = Ulama : the ballgame of the Mayas and Aztecs, 2000 ... to sport (SMD informatief) (Dutch Edition)
with text also by H.B. Nicholson. 227 informative pages with lots of illustrations (inc. color) of all Mesoamerican games. Outstanding coverage of yokes, hachas, palmas, polychrome Maya vases, a female Jaina ballplayer. This is the most recent book produced anywhere in the world on the ballgame.
LEYENAAR, Ted, Gerald van BUSSEL, and Gesine WEBER, FROM COAST TO COAST: Pre- Columbian Sculptures from Mesoamerica. exhibit catalog in Europe of private collections; thus most of these objects have never been pictured in any other publication. 423 large pages (coffee table book), with a whopping quality of 398 photographs in FULL COLOR, Includes ballgame hachas, two Tiquisate ballgame tripods from Guatemala, and a rare Rio Blanco bowl (Veracruz), some of which show ballgame-related rituels. Filled with pottery, stone, representing ALL pre-Columbian cultures, from Maya to Olmec, Colima, Chupicuaro, Michoacan, Tlatilco. Hardcover.
LEYENAAR, Ted, Gerald van BUSSEL and Paul van DONGEN (eds), THE MESOAMERICAN BALLGAME. Outstanding contributions by Norman Hammond, Ted Leyenaar, Nicholas Hellmuth, Lee Parsons, Merle Greene Robertson, and many others. Unfortunately, a limited printing (only 500 copies!). 300 informative pages, 173 educational illustrations.
LOWE, Gareth W. Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation No. 12 Mound 5 and Minor Excavations, Chiapa De Corzo, Chiapas, Mexico (Publication No. 8), incredible cache of Holmul I related pots, all illustrated, essential for studies of origin of pottery in Peten, architecture.
LOWE, Gareth W., and Agrinier, Pierre,PAPERS OF THE NEW WORLD ARCHAEOLOGICAL FOUNDATION NUMBERS EIGHT TO ELEVEN, 186p., hundreds of illustrations, long out of print, scarce.
LOWE, G., T. Lee, and E. Martinez. Izapa: An introduction to the ruins and monuments (Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation), 349p., hundreds of illustrations, photographs, maps and architectural drawings showing all the excavations plus stelae discovered in the last 5 years. This book is essential for understanding the Preclassic/Proto- Classic origins of the eventual Maya civilization. Suitable for the aficionado.
MALER, Teobert, EXPLORATIONS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PETEN, GUATEMALA: TIKAL: REPORT OF EXPLORATIONS FOR THE MUSEUM -- ALFRED M. TOZZER. PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE RUINS OF TIKAL, GUATEMALA (Large Book Collection), pages are uncut, new (not used), an opportunity to own an original Maler monograph.
MANZANILLA, Linda (coordinator), ANATOMIA DE UN CONJUNTO RESIDENCIAL TEOTIHUACANO EN OZTOYAHUALCO, 2 volumes, Vol. I - Las Escavaciones, VOL II - Los Estudios Especificos, 19 articles, 510 maps, B&W photos and illustrations, 33 charts, 946p.
MARQUEZ DE GONZALES, Lourdes, Benavides Castillo, Antonio, and Schmidt, J. Peter, Exploracion en la Gruta de Xcan, Yucatan
MARTINEZ-MARIN, Carlos (Presentation), Primer Coloquio de Documentos Pictograficos de Tradicion Nahuatl (Serie de cultura nahuatl. Monografias) (Spanish Edition), 37 B&W photos of part of 8 codices (including Borgia & Borbonico) and more than 50 drawings codices and art., 280p.
MATOS MOCTEZUMA, Eduardo, Teotihuacan : The City of Gods, coffee table book, w/English text, more than 70 color plates and photos, 239p.
MATOS MOCTEZUMA, Eduardo, Reflexiones en el tiempo: Una mirada al arte prehispanico (Coleccion de arte / UNAM) (Spanish Edition), (in Spanish), 3 articles, 14 color plates and 67 B&W photos of artifacts, hardcover, 190p.
MAUDSLAY, A. P., ARCHAEOLOGY Biologia-Centrali-Americana (all in English despite the title), complete 6 vol set bound as four volumes; the original edition costs $3,000; this is the Robicsek reprint. The most impressive book on Maya architecture ever produced, covers also stelae of Tikal, Copan, Quirigua, inscriptions of Palenque, and more. We have sets available for immediate shipment. The ideal present for someone who has just returned from, or about to go on, a trip to Mexico or Guatemala.
MAYER, Karl Herbert, THE MUSHROOM STONES OF MESOAMERICA, phallic or hallucenogenic?, 45p. fully illustrated. General introduction and complete review of pre-Columbian Guatemalan sculpture of this class.
MAYER, Karl Herbert, Classic Maya Relief Columns (ISBN: 0916552225), profusely illustrated book on ancient Maya sculpture from Yucatan not widely published elsewhere, 49p. Copies in stock for immediate shipment.Has maps, drawings, photographs. Shows the hieroglyphs, deities, dynastic rulers, and other portraits found on these monuental stone sculptures. Mayer is one of the three best iconographers in all Europe, with an impressive library and a remarkable photographic archive.
MAYER, Karl Herbert, Maya Monuments: Sculptures of Unknown Provenance in the United States, based on extensive research to find ancient Maya bas relief sculptures which were not already published by Ian Graham or Proskouriakoff. This book is essential reading for Maya art and iconography, and helps the reader learn the various regional Maya styles.
MAYER, K. H., Maya monuments: Sculptures of unknown provenance in Europe, This useful reference work provides a full-page photograph and a complete iconographic discussion of all the stelae, lintels, altars, and other monumental sculpture in museums of Switzerland, Germany, and France. Includes sculptures not yet published by Ian Graham.$40.
MEADE, Joaquin, ARQUEOLOGIA DE TAMAULIPAS, 102p., Huastic Maya art, archaeology, pottery, limited edition of just 1000 copies
MEADE, Joaquin, EL ADOLESCENTE, complete iconography of an important Huastec Maya sculpture, Univ. Autonoma de Tamaulipas. Edition limited to 1000 copies, long out of print.
MORISHITA MUSEUM OF ART, MORISHITA MUSEUM CATALOG - 1976, 66 Color plates of artifacts, 70 B&W photos of maps, sites, artifacts and illustrations. Ignore the Japanese script and concentrate on the photographs, MAYA (lowland and highland, glyphs, polychrome, plates, bowls), Tiquisate incensario, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Peruvian archaeology. Most of the Maya items have not been published anywhere else. This book is not sold in the USA or Europe by any other bookseller. We had to go to Japan to get it in person. 79p.
MORLEY, Sylvanus, The Stela Platform at Uxmal, Yucatan, Mexico, 31 p, fully illustrated, essential reading for everyone who has been to Uxmal especially if you were never shown the stela platform with all the unusual stelae.
MOSER, Christopher, Nuine Writing and Iconography of the Mixteca Baja (Publications in Anthropology : No. 19)
246 p. including 76 plates.
MOYO RUBIO, Victor Jose, Mascaras: la otra cara de Mexico/ Masks: The Other Face of Mexico, (Spanish/English dual text), 231 photographs (about one-third in color) of masks, with articles covering the history and tradition, the dance and the mask in social and religious festivities as well as contemporary masks. Hardcover, 214p.
MURPHY, Francis, Dragon mask temples in Central Yucatan (1952-1972), 82 large format pages, hardcover, published in Hong Kong with stunningly beautiful full page photographs of Chenes and Rio Bec palaces and temples. Covers Hochob, Tabasqueno, Dzibilnocac, Chicanna, Hormiguero, Santa Rosa Xtampak as well as CHENES temples at Uxmal and Copan. This rare book just got rarer since the warehouse storing them all (in Hong Kong) was destroyed. DRAGON MASKS is the most attractive book on RIO BEC Maya architecture of Campeche yet printed. Only $300 for one of the few copies of this exquisite book which exist in the United States.
MUSEE BARBIER-MUELLER, ART DE L'AMERIQUE PRECOLOMBIENNE, Olmec, Veracruz hacha, Teotihuacan mask & mural, Monte Alto (Guatemala Preclassic), Tlatilco, Aztec, Huaxtec, 3 maps, 30 full page photographs of artifacts, covers North and South America, Antilles and Mesoamerica, 50p.,