If you are interested in any information about books. Please contact us. We will be glad to hear from you.
CACAXTLA, CACAXTLA: Proyecto de investigacion y conservacion. Gobierno del Estado de Tlaxcala, 1990. With articles by several archaeologists, Sergio de la V. Vergara Berdejo, Ramon Sanchez Flores, etc. The value of this book for archaeology, iconography, and art history is in the accurate line drawings, especially of the God L as merchant, Frog-Toad, Maize God, and Jaguar-Turtle, murals; 98 pages, photos (color and B+W). These particular mural segments are in no other book on Cacaxtla, and are not in the National Geographic article on Cacaxtla either. We have never seen this book offered elsewhere; it is virtually impossible to find even in the city of Tlaxcala, and was sold- out at Cacaxtla itself about three years ago. 98 p. Hence its value.
CAMPBELL, Lyle, Bibliography of Mayan Languages and Linguistics
will save you hours and hours of library research since it already lists the books and articles you need to find, 182 p., out of print.
CARDOS, de Mendez, Amalia, Estudio de la COLECCION DE ESCULTURA MAYA del MUSEO NACIONAL DE ANTROPOLOGIA, INAH. 167 photos, 190 small p.. Not a coffee table book but nonetheless "the" definitive corpus of all Maya sculpture not only on exhibit but also in the warehouses of INAH in Mexico City. A basic reference for the curator, epigrapher, iconographer, or individual who wishes to see the entire scope of Maya sculpture.
CARRASCO, David & MATOS MOCTEZUMA, Eduardos, MOCTEZUMA'S MEXICO - Visions of the Aztec World, Hardcover coffee table book with beautiful dustcover, more than 120 color plates, text in English, 188 p.,
CARRASCO, David (editor), To Change Place: Aztec Ceremonial Landscapes, 16 articles on religion & culture of Aztec world, 253 p.
CARRASCO, Ramon, Chicanna, Campeche, un sitio de la frontera sur: Estudio arquitectonico (Spanish Edition), 1994, Spanish, the only complete report on the Rio Bec architectural style of Chicanna, full architectural drawings of all the main temples & palaces show all the masks and sculptures. small softcover format. 157 p., lots of illustrations.
CASO, Alfonso, El Tesoro De Monte Alban. Memorias Del Instituto Nacional De Antropologia E Historia, INAH, reissue by Bancomer in FULL COLOR in 1982. The complete report on the gold Mixtec treasure of Monte Alban, 406 p. This is one of the most crucial monographs to have in your library.
CASTRO-LEAL, Marcia, EL JUEGO DE PELOTA, complete exhibit catalog, in Sp. but it's the pictures you want, plentifully spread over 127 p. This is the rarest ballgame art catalog in the world, as it went immediately into out- of-print status. We bet this is one title your library is lacking. Illustrates ballgame items not pictured in other books.
CHOUINARD, Jeffrey, Mouths of Stone: Stories of the Ancient Maya from Newly Deciphered Inscriptions and Recent Archaeological Discoveries (Centers of Civilization Series), covers art and archaeology of the ancient Maya, features drawings of Linda Shele, Barbara Fash & others, hardcover coffee table book with Beautiful cover photograph by Nicholas Hellmuth-F.L.A.A.R. Photo Archive, 242 p.
CIUDAD RUIZ, Andres, Arqueologia de Agua Tibia, Totonicapan (Guatemala) (Spanish Edition)
, 406 p., hundreds of pots illustrated, ancient house architecture, published in Spain so unavailable elsewhere.
CLANCY, Flora S. & HARRISON, Peter, Vision and Revision in Maya Studies, Hardcover, 25 pages of bibliography, 16 maps, 17 layouts and more than 70 drawings of glyphs, figures and murals,
5 photos, 248 p.
CLARK, John E. (Editor) Los olmecas en Mesoamerica (Spanish Edition), 16 Articles, all pages are glossy, 229 color plates, 298 p.
COE, Michael, CLASSIC MAYA POTTERY AT DUMBARTON OAKS, Double page size portfolio of Classic Maya vases, all in color, with description of iconography, deities, hieroglyphs.
COE, Michael, and others, The Olmec and Their Neighbors: Essays in Memory of Matthew W. Stirling (Dumbarton Oaks Other Titles in Pre-Columbian Studies): Essays in Memory of Matthew W. Sterling, 346 p., with articles by Lee Parsons, Michael Coe, Gillett Griffin, David Joralemon, and others; includes photographs from the Hellmuth Photo Archive. standard reference for Olmec, Izapa and proto-Maya.
COE, William, Piedras Negras archaeology: artifacts, caches, and burials (University Museum, University of Pennsylvania. Museum monographs). 240 p. filled with data on flint, obsidian (especially eccentrics), jade; has drawings of the royal tombs of Piedras Negras. The most complete report ever published on Piedras Negras. A standard reference work essential for all archaeologists, especially for the hieroglyphs on artifacts (has all the glyph drawings from incised artifacts).
CUADERNOS DE ARQUITECTURA MESOAMERICANA. N�mero 6. Noviembre 1985. Cover Title, Nov 1985. Arquitectura Maya, part 3, Chacmultun, Tikal, Rio Bec, Puuc, 96 p. This journal is the bible of pre-Columbian architecture; they are virtually impossible to find even in Mexico City, go out of print quickly.
CUADERNOS DE ARQUITECTURA MESOAMERICANA. N�mero 7. Abril 1986. Cover Title, Apr 1986. Arquitectura de Oaxaca, covers aspects of Zapotec and Mixtec architecture that are not published anywhere else, 96 p.
CUADERNOS DE ARQUITECTURA MESOAMERICANA. N�mero 8. Septiembre 1986. Cover Title, Sept 1986. Arquitectura del Golfo, part 1, a thorough inventory of El Tajin style monumental architecture, increasingly suspected as the origin of Puuc mosaic motifs, 96 p.
CUADERNOS DE ARQUITECTURA MESOAMERICANA, Num. 9, Jan 1987. Presencia prehispanica en la arquitectura moderna, 96 p., the most thorough treatment of Frank Lloyd Wright's recreation of Chichen Itza architecture, as well as all other known Maya or Aztec features in modern architecture of Mexico and the USA.
CUADERNOS DE ARQUITECTURA MESOAMERICANA, Num. 10, May 1987. Arquitectura maya, part 4, 96 p., data on temples, pyramids, palaces that are not published anywhere else.
CULBERT, T. Patrick (editor), CLASSIC MAYA POLITICAL HISTORY -Hieroglyphic and Archaeological Evidence, Hardcover w/dustjacket, 22 maps and 33 figures & illustrations, 396 p.
DAHLGREN, Barbo (ed), HISTORIA DE LA RELIGION EN MESOAMERICA, includes Aztec and Teotihuacan iconography, 303 p.
DALTABUIT GODOS, Magali, Mujeres mayas: Trabajo, nutricion y fecundidad (Spanish Edition), 18 B&W photos, 43 tables & 13 charts, 238 p.
DAY, Jane S. Aztec: The World of Moctezuma, all glossy pages, 62 photos, 15 paintings & 41 drawings (all in color), depicts history & lives of the Aztec and their empire until its last days. 88 p.
De La GARZA, Mercedes, El Hombre en el Pensamiento Religioso Nahuatl y Maya, 141 p.
De La GARZA, Mercedes, El Universo Sagrado De La Serpiente entre Los Mayas
Hard bound in Spanish, 462 p., high quality line drawings of Maya art with Quetzalcoatl (Kukulcan) and other snakes.
DIEHL, Richard A., Tula: The Toltec Capital of Ancient Mexico (New Aspects of Antiquity), 130 illustrations (13 Color) includes 12 maps, describes this Central Mexican society, 184 p.
DOMINGUEZ CARRASCO, Maria del R., Calakmul, Campeche, analisis de la ceramica (Coleccion Arqueologia) (Spanish Edition), 1994, exacting analysis of all the pottery; uncovered in many years of William Folan's excavations throughout CALAKMUL, color photograph by Eldon Leiter (F.L.A.A.R.) on the cover, 359 p. Includes all ceramic illustrations plus chart of Calakmul ceramic phases. The is the first complete report on the Maya pottery of the Peten-influenced area of Campeche. Only 500 copies printed, so you will be lucky to get one.
Mercedes de la GARZA, Palenque (Chiapas eterno) (Spanish Edition), 189 luxurious pages in coffee table size and quality including 139 photographs all in full color. Although in Spanish this is the only book yet on Palenque where ALL the photographs are color, more than any other book yet published on Palenque. Scores of line drawings.
EISLEB, Dieter, WESTMEXIKANISCHE KERAMIK (WESTMEXICAN CERAMIC), 261 European quality photographs of Colima, Nayarit, and Jalisco ceramic figures of the national museum in West Berlin.
EKHOLM-MILLER, Susanna, The Olmec rock carving at Xoc, Chiapas, Mexico (Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation), the only Olmec monumental art found in the Maya heartland (near Bonampak).
ESTUDIOS DE CULTURA MAYA, Vol. XIII, 1981, 18 articles by leading Mayanists, in English and in Spanish, covers Palenque, Aguateca, Coba, Tulum, 374 p. out of print, but we have one copy left.
ESTUDIOS DE CULTURA MAYA, Vol. XIV, 1982, 13 articles including Tikal, Altun Ha (Belize), Cacaxtla murals, and three fortified (walled) Maya cities in Yucatan, 354p. out of print, but we found one last copy.
FAUVET-BERTHELOT, Marie-France, Ethnoprehistoire de la Maison Maya, history and archaeology of native highland Guatemala Maya houses, 296 p. well illustrated.
FELDMAN, Lawrence, Riverine Maya: The Torquegua and other chols of the Lower Motagua Valley (Museum briefs).
FELDMAN, L., R. Terzuola, Payson Sheets, C. Cameron, Jade workers in the Motagua Valley: The late classic Terzuola site (Museum brief ; #17), 15 p, the historic discovery of actual jadeite sources in Guatemala, which resulted in a million dollar industry .of jade mining.
FERGUSON, Royce & ROHN, Arthur H., MESOAMERICA'S ANCIENT CITIES, 1990, covers all pre-Columbian Mesoamerica from Cholula, Xochicalco, Cacaxtla through all Oaxaca sites, major OLMEC sites, then all important Maya city states, with far more site maps and much better COLOR photography than any other comparable general survey. 251 p., hardcover, quality paper, more photographs than we could count.
FERNANDEZ Davila, Enrique and Susana Gomez Serafin, Arqueologia de Huatulco, Oaxaca: Memoria de la primera temporada de campo del proyecto arqueologico Bahias de Huatulco (Coleccion cientifica) (Spanish Edition), INAH. 35 maps, 80 figs, 154 p.
FERNANDEZ Tejedo, Isabel et al, INAH, ZONAS ARQUEOLOGICAS: TABASCO 27 color, 26 B+W photos, 14 color drawings, 29 B+W drawings, 40 color maps, 109 p., covers the entire state of Tabasco, Olmec through Maya.
FLANAGAN, E., MARKMAN, C., and J. KOWALSKI, 1984, Rulers, Deities and Death: Maya Ceramics from the Duke University Museum Collection and Other Examples of Pre-Columbian Art
exhibited at Northern Illinois University, 20 p.
FOLAN, William (Coordinator) CAMPECHE MAYA COLONIAL, 45 maps, 24 drawings, 39 B&W photos. This informative book actually covers the archaeology of Calakmul, specifically the EARLY CLASSIC royal tomb of the Palace, Structure III, with its jades, fabulous pottery, etc, only 500 copies printed. 226 p.
FOLAN, William J., KINTZ, Ellen J., FLETCHER, Laraine A., Coba: A Classic Maya Metropolis (Studies in Anthropology), Hardbound, 24 page bibliograph;y, 14 articles on social organization, population base, culture; 40 tables, 32 drawings, 24 B&W photos & 10 maps. 256 p.
FOLAN, William (Editor) Los Investigadores de la Cultura Maya 12, vol. 2, 1994 (vol. 1 is totally out of print and unavailable even in Mexico). Articles in Spanish on Rio Bec architecture, the Teotihuacan yearsign in the Maya area, Calakmul, the murals of Bonampak, Santa Rosa Xtampak and Edzna. 206 p., illustrated.
FONCERRADA DE MOLINA, Marta, Cacaxtla: La iconografia de los olmeca-xicalanca (Spanish Edition), 1993, the best book yet published on the iconography of the battle murals and Maya style jambs of Cacaxtla--
by far the most profusely illustrated book ever to appear on Cacaxtla. Covers all the hieroglyphs, warfare attire and attributes, costumes, deities, iconography--everything FULLY ILLUSTRATED with complete color "roll-outs" of all the war/sacrific murals, in addition to 182 informative drawings. 191 p.
FOWLER, William R., El Salvador: Antiguas civilizaciones (Spanish Edition), sold only in a single location in El Salvador - and they do not ship, they do not reply to mail orders. The only way to get this book is to fly to Central America and stay overnight, or you can order the book. This lavish coffee table book has contributions by E. Wyllys Andrews, Arthur Demarest, Robert Sharer, and others. Features jade, monumental sculpture (Olmec, Pot Bellied Sculptures, and more), plus the first color photographs of Tiquisate-style Teotihuacan incense burners reported from Ahuachapan and Tazumal. This the best book ever produced on the complete spectrum of pre-Columbian art of El Salvador. Virtually the entire book is large format color photographs of aesthetically attractive art. ***** 5 star rating for this impressive contribution to Maya archaeology of Central America.
FOWLER, William R. Jr., THE FORMATION OF COMPLEX SOCIETY IN SOUTHEASTERN MESOAMERICA, Hardcover, shows early PreClassic Maya through the 16th century, using archaeology. 256 p.
FRANCO Y GONZALES SALAS, Maria Teresa The Huastec and Totonac World (Spanish Edition), Hardcover coffee table format, impressive color photography of the highest standards with 161 color plates, includes maps for tourist routes in English. 200 p.
FREIDEL, David A. et al., The Olmec world: Ritual and rulership, 11" X 11", 8 articles, 252 color plates of exhibit artifacts w/descriptions, more than 250 drawings, 45 B&W photos, glossy pages, 344 p.
de la FUENTE, Beatriz, S. TREJO, and N. GUTIERREZ S., Escultura en piedra de Tula: Catalogo (Cuadernos de historia del arte) (Spanish Edition), 235 p., over 164 photographs (mostly full page) showing the complete corpus of Toltec sculpture far more complete than Tozzer. This is the best source on Toltec sculpture ever published.
de la FUENTE, Beatriz, Peldanos en la conciencia: Rostros en la plastica prehispanica (Coleccion de arte) (Spanish Edition), 88 photographs, in Spanish, Hardcover, 101p.