If you are interested in any information about books. Please contact us. We will be glad to hear from you.
GALLEGOS RUIZ, Roberto, Chinkultic : Una Ciudad Maya Y Su CultoA La Lluvia, Intro. By Roman Pina Chan, 126 p. with lots of illustrations, includes ceramics (Jaguar God of the Underworld incensarios) and architecture. Probably has more pictures of Chinkultic than any prior or subsequent book. Tells the story of draining and dredging the cenote at Chinkultic hoping to find a treasure comparable to that of Chichen Itza.
GARCIA-BARCENA, Joaquin, El preceramico de Aguacatenango, Chiapas, Mexico, INAH. 5 photos, 8 maps, 35 tables, 5 drawings, 86 p.
GARCIA MOLL, Roberto (coordinator), El Mundo Mixteco y Zapoteco, 1992, only the subsidy of a major Mexican bank could result in such an impressive coffee table book, possibly the best book yet produced on the archaeology of Oaxaca. Out of print - we got the last five copies from buying out the publisher's warehouse. 147 stunning color photographs of the highest quality. 195 p.
GARCIA MOLL, Roberto & BALI, Jaime PIEDRA DE LUZ -Dimension y Espancio en el Mexico PreColombino, 48 double page and 24 single page fabulously overpowering color photographs of Mesoamerican sites and land and seascapes by Guillermo Aldana. This is not "just a coffee table book". This is an example of what the art of photography can do to capture the mystique of the past. 142 p.
GARCIA URREA, Carlos, TIKAL: EL MONUMENTAL MUNDO PERDIDO, 97 p. with illustrations of the Mundo Perdido excavations nowhere else published, a rare report you will not find elsewhere.
GAY, Carlo, Chalcacingo (Die Amerikanischen Felsbilder = American rock paintings and petroglyphs)
Complete description of the Olmec sculpture, 24 plates (5 in full color), 119 p, hardbound, printed in Europe.
G & T FOUNDATION, Piezas Maestras Mayas/ Mayan Masterful Pieces: Patrimonio Del Museo Nacional De Arqueologia Y Etnologia De Guatemala (Galeria Guatemala) (Spanish Edition), 15.5" x 11.5" hardcover coffee table book, Spanish & English parallel text, 28 articles covering ecology, geography & development of technology of ancient Maya, as well as Preclassic, Classic, Postclassic & Spanish contact periods with the effects of interaction by different cultures. Discusses infrastructures, commerce, war, religion, art, architecture & cultures of Maya. 2 page chart of chronology of major sites. Beautiful photography to illustrate artifacts & culture of the Maya,10 B&W & 150 color photographs plus 35 full page color plates, 249 p.
GOBIERNO DEL ESTADO DE TABASCO, Guia arqueologica del Museo de Jonuta y notas historicas de la region (Spanish Edition), (Spanish), 30 B&W plates of museum figures, 67 p.
GOMEZ HERNANDEZ, Antonio & HUMBERTO RUZ, Mario, Memoria baldia: Los tojolabales y las fincas : testimonios (Spanish Edition), covers 6 fincas with 9 interviews of local people ranging from 55 to 88 years old., 15 photos, 1 map, 404 p.
GRAHAM, John A., et al., EXCAVATIONS AT SEIBAL, Memoirs, Vol. 17, 1990. Peabody Musuem of Archaeology and Ethnology, Monumental Sculpture and Hieroglyphic inscriptions by John Graham;
Burials: A Cultural Analysis by Gair Tourtellot; The Ethnozoology of the Maya: Faunal Remains from Five Sites in Peten, Guatemala by Mary Deland Pohl; General Summary and Conclusions by Gordon R. Wiley, A Chronology, 7 maps (1 foldout), 18 drawings & 21 photos of stelae & glyphs with translations, 276 p.
GRAHAM, Mark Miller (Editor), Reinterpreting Prehistory of Central America, 9 articles, covers art and cultures of Mesoamerica, photos of pottery, hardcover, 336 p.
GREENE, Merle, ANCIENT MAYA RELIEF SCULPTURE, the original Museum of Primitive Art
issue, (first edition, boxed), 60 rubbings and descriptive text - not available as a reprint, includes Bonampak, Chichen Itza, Uxmal,Yaxchilan, Palenque, and Tikal.
GREENE, Merle, MAYA SCULPTURE rubbings by Merle Greene Robertson from Palenque, Tikal, Uaxactun, Yaxchilan, Yaxha, and all the other Maya ruins, plus Cotzumalhuapa, and also Preclassic sculptures, with text by John Graham and Robert Rands; hundreds of illustrations.
GREENE ROBERTSON, Merle (ed), PRIMERA MESA REDONDA DE PALENQUE, Vol. II, Merle Greene Robertson ed. 143 pages, drawings and description of art, Maya architecture, iconography, decipherment.
GRIFFIN, GILLETT (Introduction), Schatten uit de Nieuwe Wereld, (In German), 11 articles of precolumbian new world, 20 pages showing chronology of cultures and city states with maps of where these people lived in North, Central & South America and the Carribean, 475 color plates of artifacts from cultures of the americas with descriptions and provenances, including 92 from precolombian Mexico, from Maya (Mexico, Guatemala & Honduras) 52 color plates. 484 glossy pages.
GUDERJAN, Thomas, ANCIENT MAYA TRADERS OF AMBERGRIS CAYE, Belize, 41 p., nicely illustrated with drawings and photographs of remarkable polychrome Maya vases - an essential book for anyone attempting to study iconography of Maya vases.
GUERRERO, Raul F., Historia General del Arte Mexicano Epoca Prehispanica, (2 pocket sized volumes in Spanish), Vol. 1: 79 B&W photos of art, codices, monuments, sites, 8 drawings. Vol. 2: 92 B&W photos, 14 drawings, Cloth-hardbound, total of 429 pages.
GUEVARA Sanchez, Arturo, INAH, Arqueologia del area de las Cuarenta Casas, Chihuahua (Serie Arqueologia) (Spanish Edition). 111 photos, 179 tables, including 39 maps, 212 p.
HABERLAND, Wolfgang, Die Kunst des indianischen Amerika = American Indian art: Beschreibender Katalog
(in English and in German), Museum Rietberg, Zurich. Maya, Veracruz ballgame sculpture, Preclassic figurines, West Coast Mexico, plus Peruvian textiles. Maya section features vases, Jaina figurines and stelae. 408 p, and lots of maps, hardcover, printed with Swiss quality.
HARTUNG, Horst, DIE ZEREMONIALZENTREN DER MAYA, (in German) hardcover 11" x 14" w/36 glossy pages of photos, maps and reconstructions of Maya sites with 7 large foldout sit maps. 179 p
HELLMUTH, Nicholas First season photography and analysis of standing architecture at Santa Rosa Xtampak, Campeche, Mexico, 146 p, plus full page photographs
HELLMUTH, Nicholas, Wood that has lasted one thousand years: Lintels and vault beams in Maya temples and palaces, full page photographs of Xtampak, Uxmal, Tikal.
HELLMUTH, N., An introduction to Chenes, Puuc and Rio Bec palaces: The example of three palaces at Santa Rosa Xtampak, Campeche, Mexico, 124 p.
HELLMUTH, N., Advances in knowledge of the monumental architecture of Santa Rosa Xtampak: Based on photography and mapping of June-July 1989, 231 p with plenty of photographs, all full page size. Thorough architectural discussion of Puuc, Chenes, and Rio Bec intermingling of palace facade styles. (only 40 copies printed).
HELLMUTH, N., Iconography of seven Maya ballplayers: Rio Usumacinta or Calakmul?, 155 Pages text, 33 illustrations.
HELLMUTH, N., Iconography of seven Maya ballplayers of Rio Usumacinta style, 2 volumes, total 165 pages text, 98 illlustrations.
HELLMUTH, N., All eight ballplayer stelae of Bilbao, Cotzumalhuapa: A complete iconography of their athletic, religious, political, and artistic importance, 152 p. text, 162 illustrations, (total 314 pages).
HELLMUTH, N., All THE BALLPLAYER DECAPITATION STELAE of Aparicio, Vega de Alatorre, Veracruz, Mexico. 1996, F.L.A.A.R., 38 p., includes the first publication of the decapitation stela in the Denver Museum of Natural History.
HELLMUTH, N., AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIC INTRODUCTION to the various pre-Hispanic Rubber Ballgames of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras: Olmec, Maya, Teotihuacan, Mixtec, Aztec, El Tajin. 1995, F.L.A.A.R., 311 pages filled with descriptive entries on the ballgame. Reviews and discusses everything ever written on the ancient ballgames of Mesoamerica, then informs the reader which theories are useful, and which are nonsence. This is a copy of the author's own notebook ( in other words, a work-in-progress). Even in its preliminary state it contains a wealth of information and serves as a standard desk reference on iconography and archaeology of the ballgames. This bibliography will save you weeks of searching for information elsewhere, since everything is neatly in alphabetical order and is cleverly cross-referenced.
HELLMUTH, N., Four Peten Style Plates showing Hunters surrounded by their Pack of Yapping Dogs 1996, F.L.A.A.R., 18 pages in addtion to many illustrations, mostly scanned images of polychrome plates. This is one of the first publications resulting from Hellmuth's project to photograph all Maya art in Japan. Simultaneously this is one of the first workbooks of any Maya Weekend to feature Adobe Photoshop enhanced digital images, a boon to iconography because you can see the features of the ancient painting so clearly.
HELLMUTH, N., Headdresses and Skirts shared by Deer Hunters and Ballplayers, 1996, F.L.A.A.R., 86 pages, including one of the first computer enhanced images which rescued images from a faded po lychrome Maya vase. This is the juiciest icongraphic report to result from the last five years of research on ballgame iconography as well as the first monograph-length report on the iconography of hunting in polychrome Maya ceramic art.
HELLMUTH, N., HUNTING pictured on Early Classic Maya Pottery: Cylindrical Tripods and Basal Flange Bowls, 1996 F.L.A.A.R., 60 pages plus lots of photographs, mostly of Maya polychrome art never previously published. The author is known for his work on the Early Classic period.
HELLMUTH, N., The Escuintla hoards: Teotihuacan art in Guatemala (F.L.A.A.R. progress reports); large format photographs, not published elsewhere; includes ballgame decapitation ritual, 70 p. Only a few copies left.
HELLMUTH, N., THE OLD DEER HUNTER AND THE WOMAN RIDING THE MYTHICAL DEER: The Actun Balam Vase, Belize, Tepeu 3 and the Prototype Actun Balam Scene, Peten, Tepeu 1, 1996, F.L.A.A.R., 18 pages crammed with iconography. Features photographs never before published from the F.L.A.A.R. archives (as you come to expect from all F.L.A.A.R. publications). This is the first re-analysis of the Actun Balam vase which points out the several key features shared with ballplayer scenes, (hint: some enactments of the Maya ballgame were the re-enactment of the Hero Twins out hunting; you drag your prey back to the ballcourt, "hunt" them in the ballgame, and then slay them...). In the Pseudo God L report you find out that other ballgames were the re-enactment of battles where one team fought the captives...Now you know why some ballplayers wear warrior's outfits and other ballplayers wear deer hunter outfits (and why other hunters are dressed as deer...). All the information is in this series of workbooks for the annual BCC-FLAAR Maya symposium.
HELLMUTH, N., The Pseudo-God L Headdress on Warriors and on Ballplayers, 1996, F.L.A.A.R., 27 pages of infomative text and illustrations. The first complete and concise differentiation between God L's various headdresses, includes abundant iconographic analyses not available in other discussions of Maya deities. This report is especially useful for Yaxchilan and Bonampak (both the stelae and the murals), and is a key source for identification of ballplayer headdresses on polychrome vases.
HELLMUTH, N., Pre-Columbian Ballgame: Archaeology and Architecture (F.L.A.A.R. progress reports), regional ballgame variants are distinguished for the first time; previously unpublished vases show that the Peten Maya did not normally use a yoke during the game; 74 p.
HELLMUTH, N. (ed.), Tzakol and Tepeu Maya pottery paintings
by Barbara van Heusen, Persis Clarkson, and Lin Crocker. ca. 45 large format, rollout line drawings, Two parts, 2nd part is 70 pages text. Rare edition, as this is a printer's proof, only 150 copies produced - ONLY 3 SETS LEFT WITH STAMPED PORTFOLIO COVER. A limited edition that will never be re-done in the present arrangement.
HELLMUTH, N., A bibliography of the 16th-20th century Maya of the Southern lowlands: Chol, Chol Lacandon, Yucatec Lacandon, Quejache, Itza, and Mopan, 1524-1969, (Occasional ... in anthropology. Archaeology series). Hellmuth's first publication! 114 p. Actually this is one of the best introductions to the Lacandon Maya available. If you believe that the Lacandon are the descendants of the Maya who built Bonampak, Yaxchilan or Palenque, then you need to read Hellmuth's Introduction in this standard reference work on Lacandon ethnography and ethnohistory. Only $25. Includes a review of Maya ethnohistory and problems of ethnographic analogy in Maya archaeology.
HELLMUTH, N., A General Introduction to Maya Art, Architecture, & Archaeology: Tikal Copan Travel Guide 1978: A Complete Guide to All of the Maya Ruins of...Central America
includes travel information. Revised edition (1978), 214 p, hundreds of photographs, easily the most popular book Hellmuth has written, which has taken the book into Out of Print status; a few copies left, $50 while they last. Lots of photos of MAYA POTTERY, most of which is not anywhere else published.
HELLMUTH, N., CATALOG OF TZAKOL PERIOD MAYA ART IN SITE REPORTS AND IN MUSEUMS AND PRIVATE COLLECTIONS: Guatemala, Mexico, USA, Canada and Europe, Vol. II: Maya Cylindrical Tripods. This is the only catalog of all known Early Classic cylindrical tripods from the museums and private collections throughout the world. Sections include stuccoed-and-painted, polychrome painted, negative painted, etc. Lists all hieroglypohic inscriptions. Pots in private collections are compared and contrasted with all known examples excavated from Chiapas, Peten, Belize, Honduras, and the highlands especially with tripods from Tikal and Uaxactun. 7 full page photographs, 247 pages of cogent description.
HELLMUTH, Nicholas, Structure 5D-73, BURIAL 196, TIKAL, PETEN, GUATEMALA, 2 volumes, spiral bound, so many hundreds of illustrations we gave up counting maps, lots of architectural drawings of the pyramid and tomb chamber, rollout drawings of all the decorated vases, complete drawings of all the plates, pictures of all the jade in situ inside the crypt. This opus was Hellmuth's B.A. honor's thesis (awarded a Summa cum Laude at Harvard). Burial 196 ("The Tomb of the Jade Jaguar") is the third largest Late Classic burial ever found in the entire Maya lowlands. The author spent several months inside the tomb and in the lab taking copious notes, doing exquisite drawings, and taking abundant photographs, making this the most thoroughly recorded burial ever excavated in Mesoamerica.
HELLMUTH, N., The surface of the underwaterworld: Iconography of the gods of early classic Maya art in Peten, Guatemala. 2 volumes. Hundreds and hundreds of beautiful line drawings. Twelve artists worked for years to produce these drawings. Over a decade of photography around the world went into the photographs from which the drawings were taken. These two volumes are the English original of Hellmuth's Ph.D. dissertation, the fancy edition printed in Graz, Austria.
HELLMUTH, N., MONSTERS AND MEN, the complete German/English bi-lingual edition coffee-table version, printed in Graz, Austria, with 727 illustrations including lots of color photographs. Most of the Maya art herein has never previously been published.
This Graz edition has several advantages over the Ph.D. version, lots in color, lots not in the Ph.D. version, and additional text. Although the Graz edition is primarily in German, ALL CAPTIONS to all illustrations ARE IN ENGLISH. Most people buy both the Ph.D. version to get the complete text in English, then buy the Graz additional also to get all the color plus the updates (the additional data).
HERNANDEZ PONS, Elsa C. Investigaciones arqueologicas en el Valle del Rio Tulija, Tabasco-Chiapas (Proyecto Tierras bajas noroccidentales) (Spanish Edition), UNAM, photos of Jaina-related figurines, Palenque style incense burners, over 200 p, with the only available photographs and map of Maya ruins of TORTEGUERO, source of stelae in Villahermosa museum. Long out of print. Our copies are brand new; how is this possible? We bought them over 9 years ago but never opened the boxes since we have been so busy with our research projects.
HILDSHEIM, DIE WELT DER MAYA, (in German), 264 color plates of precolombian artifacts with full page in depth analyses, descriptions and provenances, 14 articles in 284 pages w/175 beautiful color photographs of sites, stelae, codices, murals and artifacts. The authors of the articles are: Herbert Wilhelmy, Juan Antonio Valdes, Robert J. Sharer, Nicholas P. Dunning, Wolfgang W. Wurster, Oscar Quintana, Stephan D. Houston & David Stuart, David A. Freidel, Ted Leyenaar & Gerald W. van Bussel, Linda Schele, Nicholai Grube, T. Patrick Culbert, Diane & Arlene Chase, and Carolyn Tate. 636p.
HOUSTON, Stephen D., Hieroglyphs and History at DOS Pilas: Dynastic Politics of the Classic Maya, chronology of the site and its lords, 16 maps, 12 tables & more than 20 illustrations. 181p.
ICHON, Alain, LES SCULPTURES DE LA LAGUNITA, EL QUICHE, GUATEMALA. Rare monograph on Preclassic and Early Classic sculptures, tombs, and important archaeological discoveries published in no other book, 74p., crammed with illustrations, photographs, and information essential for iconography.
ICHON, Alain & Marie Charlotte Arnauld, LE PROTOCLASSIQUE A LA LAGUNITA EL QUICHE, GUALEMALA. 257 p, filled with photographs and drawings of early Maya pottery art. For anyone working on the development of ceramic art, on iconography, on Maya symbolism, and on the evolution from Preclassic to Protoclassic, this book is a standard reference work. Actually, this is the most important book ever published on Holmul I-style pottery--has ten times more pots than then the original Holmul monograph. Thus long out of print, but we have one copy left.
ICHON, Alain and Rita GIGNON, ARCHEOLOGIE DE SAUVETAGE DANS LA VALLEE DU RIO CHIXOY. no. 3, EL JOCOTE. Archaeologists tend to forget the highlands in their Tikal-centric view of the Maya universe. These reports are essential to understanding the fuller perspective of ancient Maya culture throughout Guatemala. $60, photographs of incensarios, pottery, figurines, monumental architecture.
ICHON, Alain and Marion P. HATCH, ARCHEOLOGIE DE SAUVETAGE DANS LA VALLEE DU RIO CHIXOY. no. 4, LOS ENCUENTROS. 193 pages with plenty of illustrations. These reports are as good (if not better) than the Carnegie Institution of Washington monographs. Includes patolli game board (fig. 101), ballcourt (fig. 34), pottery, temple and palace architecture, tombs, and artifacts all pictured in drawings and/or photographs.
ICHON, Alain & ARNAULD, Marie Charlotte, ARCHEOLOGIE DE SAUVETAGE 5, Les Sites Classique de la Vallee Moyenne du Chixoy, 53 maps & layouts, 150 photos and illustrations, 175p.
ICHON, Alain & DOUZANT-ROSENFELD, Denise & USSELMANN, Pierre, ARCHEOLOGIE DE SAUVETAGE 6, La Vallee Moyenne du Rio Chixoy (Guatemala) - Occupation Prehispanique et problemes actuels, 110 maps, B&W photos and illustrations, covers Preclassical (800BC-100AD), Protoclassical-Classical (100-600AD), Late Classical (600-900AD), Epiclassical (900-1100AD), Postclassical (1100-1500AD), 234p.
INAH, MEMORIA DEL CONGRESO INTERNO 1979. 60 photos, 16 maps, 11 figs, 364 p., includes Coba, Chichen Itza, Uxmal (excavation of the ballcourt), Xelha, caves of Loltun, Kohunlich, and more.
Actas del XLI Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Mexico 2 al 7 de septiembre de 1974. THREE VOLUMES, Crammed with information (English, Spanish), Vol. I, 600 p, Vol. II, 679 p, Vol. III, 808 p, covers OLMEC, Maya, Teotihuacan, Aztec, Bilbao (Cotzumalhuapa) art, iconography, archaeology, Tikal, Monte Alban, Belize, articles by HELLMUTH, Hammond on Belize, Merle Greene Robertson on Palenque, and scores of others. Kekchi myths, ballgame goal sculptures, The following reports are all in this volume of the International Congress of Americanists, Geneva.
D. Heydon, "What is the Significance of the Mexica Pyramid" Hasso Von Winning, Mexican Figurines Attached to Pallets and Cradles" E. Pasztory, "The Gods of Teotihuacan" Gordon Ekholm, "The Archaeological Significance of Mirrors in the New World" Mary King, "A Textile Technique from Oaxaca, Mexico" Norman Hammond, "Maya Settlement Patterns" Lee Parsons, "Iconographic Notes on a new Izapan Stela from Abaj Takalik, Guatemala" Sabloff and Rathje, "Changing pre-Columbian Commercial Patterns on the Island of Cozumel, Mexico" Arthur Miller, "The Mural Painting at Tancah and in Structure 5 at Tulum: Implications of their Style and Iconography" A. Digby, "Evidence in Mexican Glyphs and Sculpture for an unrecognized Astronomical Instrument" F. Hochleitner, "The Correlation between the Mayan and the Julian Calendar" R. Fry, "The Archaeology of Southern Quintana Roo: Ceramics" Peter Harrison, "The Lintels of Tzibanche, Quintana Roo" (all of these articles together, $80,) bound together with another dozen arti- cles (total, 509 pages crammed with illustrations). This is Vol. I of the International Congress of Americanists.
ITO, Nabuyuki & TORRES, Miguel et al., MAYA - SPECIAL EXHIBITION, Crossroad of History and Race, a major Japanese catalog. Jade (lots, and in COLOR), obsidian, flint, highland, lowland, mushroom stones, Preclassic stone, plumbate, ballplayer figures & yokes, Tiquisate, highland Maya textiles, a necessary investment because of the coverage within this extensive catalog (mostly loans from Guatemala, but a considerable number of items nowhere else published). 200p. 126 illustrations of textiles and ethnographic subjects plus 251 illustrations of ancient art (mostly in color). This is one of the most comprehensive books yet issued in Japan, in a quality that we expect for Japan. We can't read Japanese either, but you don't buy this book to learn Japanese, rather to learn about pre-Columbian art - from illustrations. These pictures are an informative reference source for anyone doing iconography.