HERRMANN, Andreas, Auf den Spuren der Maya: Eine Fotodokumentation von Teobert Maler (1842-1917)
, 19th century photographs
by TEOBERT MALER of Maya sites. Published by ADEVA-Graz (long out of print).
Ignore the German, go for the great photographs: PIEDRAS NEGRAS with the
Usumacinta River in the background, the stelae of Piedras Negras still in
situ, YAXCHILAN with the stelae before being removed to Mexico City.
- See the illusive HUNTICHMUL II, the bizarre tower system totally unlike
anything at Rio Bec.
- DZIBILTUN, the most beautiful single temple in the entire Chenes area.
DSEBKABTUN's main palace before it collapsed.
- Panorama of HOCHOB before the most ornate monster-facade building collapsed.
- SANTA ROSA XTAMPAK as it looked in the last century. - front and rear
views. 19th century photographs including the sculptures in the palace while
still intact! The incredible temple of Maler's Plate 42 has never been found
since - one of the most bizarre sculptured facades in the Chenes area.
- The Maler photograph of DZIBILNOCAC is the best ever taken.
- Shows KIUIC, ICHPICH, and many ruins unknown until George Andrews rephotographed
them in the 1970's.
- The view of XKICHMOL (sic) shows a view no longer possible today.
- Shows what Uxmal looked like in the last century.
SOTELO SANTOS, Laura Elena, Yaxchilan (Spanish Edition)
, 190
thick pages with 57 color photographs of a quality better than in any other
publication on Yaxchilan. These particular photographs far exceed those
in any book on Yaxchilan printed in the USA or Europe, and are even better
than Maler's or Maudslay's photographs in part because they are in color.
This particular Mexican photographer was clearly a pro.