BERRIN, K, and Esther PASZTORY (editors), Teotihuacan: Art from the City of the Gods
. 288 pages, softcover coffee table quality. Two hundred
six beautiful color photographs, 22 black and white photos, 18 drawings
and six charts and maps. The largest, most complete portrayal of Teotihuacan
art yet produced: murals, pottery, masks, architecture, figurines everything.
DAHLGREN, Barbo (ed), Historia de la religion en Mesoamerica y areas afines: II coloquio (Spanish Edition)
, includes Aztec and Teotihuacan iconography, 303 p.
TEOTIHUACANO EN OZTOYAHUALCO, 2 volumes, Vol. I - Las Escavaciones,
VOL II - Los Estudios Especificos, 19 articles, 510 maps, B&W
photos and illustrations, 33 charts, 946 p.
MATOS MOCTEZUMA, Eduardo, Teotihuacan : The City of Gods
, coffee table book, w/English text, more than 70 color
plates and photos, 239 p.
hacha, Teotihuacan mask & mural, Monte Alto (Guatemala Preclassic),
Tlatilco, Aztec, Huaxtec, 3 maps, 30 full page photographs of artifacts,
covers North and South America, Antilles and Mesoamerica, 50 p.
RUIZ, Sonia Lombardo, et al., Cacaxtla : El Lugar Donde Muere La Lluvia En La Tierra
, over 1000 drawings (many
in color), 240 photographs (several in color), fold out maps, fold out drawings
of the entire mural sequence - the complete battle scene.
It took 4 years to find these last copies. Monumental iconographic report
on the Teotihuacan, Xochicalco, and Maya style murals of Cacaxtla, the most
important find of the 1970's, 554 p., Hardbound.
SERRA PUCHE, Mari Carmen & Felipe SOLIS OLGUIN, Cristales y obsidiana prehispanicos (Spanish Edition)
, 1994, lavish coffee table book, the largest
and must luxurious ever created on obsidian and rock crystal of the OLMEC,
TEOTIHUACAN, MAYA, AZTEC and MIXTEC. Includes the only photographs of
mahogany-colored obdidian I have ever seen. 232 large and attractively printed
SERRA PUCHE, Mari Carmen and Carlos NAVARRETE C., Ensayos de alfareria prehispanica e historica de Mesoamerica: Homenaje a Eduardo Noguera Auza (Arqueologia) (Spanish Edition)
, UNAM, 308 p., features
the most complete presentation of Early Classic TIKAL ceramics (Juan Pedro
Laporte) plus key reports on Teotihuacan and related pottery not found in
any other monograph. Lots of drawings of Tikal Maya Tzakol pottery.