BARLOW, Robert H., TLATELOLCO: RIVAL DE TENOCHTITLAN. 29 figs of codices and old maps, paperbound, 164 p.
CARRASCO, David (editor), To Change Place: Aztec Ceremonial Landscapes
, 16 articles on religion & culture of Aztec world, 253 p.
CARRASCO, David & MATOS MOCTEZUMA, Eduardos, MOCTEZUMA'S MEXICO - Visions of the Aztec World, Hardcover coffee table book with beautiful dustcover, more than 120 color plates, text in English, 188 p.
DAHLGREN, Barbo (ed), Historia de la religion en Mesoamerica y areas afines: II coloquio (Spanish Edition)
, includes Aztec and Teotihuacan iconography, 303 p.
DAY, Jane S. AZTEC - The World of Moctezuma, all glossy pages, 62 photos, 15 paintings & 41 drawings (all in color), depicts history & lives of the Aztec and their empire until its last days. 88 p.
KUBLER, George, The Louise and Walter Arensberg Collection: Pre-Columbian sculpture
lots of yokes, palmas, hachas, plus Aztec, West Coast Mexico, Maya (vases also), 197 handsome photographs, virtually all full page size.
LEYENAAR and Lee PARSONS, Ulama: Het balspel bij de Maya's en Azteken, 2000 v. Chr.-2000 n. Chr. : van mensenoffer tot sport = Ulama : the ballgame of the Mayas and Aztecs, 2000 ... to sport (SMD informatief) (Dutch Edition)
with text also by H.B. Nicholson. 227 informative pages with lots of illustrations (inc. color) of all Mesoamerican games. Outstanding coverage of yokes, hachas, palmas, polychrome Maya vases, a female Jaina ballplayer. This is the most recent book produced anywhere in the world on the ballgame.
LEYENAAR, Ted, Gerald van BUSSEL and Paul van DONGEN (eds), THE MESOAMERICAN BALLGAME. Outstanding contributions by Norman Hammond, Ted Leyenaar, Nicholas Hellmuth, Lee Parsons, Merle Greene Robertson, and many others. Unfortunately, a limited printing (only 500 copies!).. 300 informative pages, 173 educational illustrations.
PARSONS, L., PRE-COLUMBIAN AMERICA. The Art and Archaeology of South, Central and Middle America. Handbook for the Exhibition Hall.
. Jaina figurines, ballgame sculpture, incense burners, Preclassic, Aztec, West Coast Mexico, 193 p.
RUL, Francisco Gonzalez, LA CERAMICA EN TLATELOCO, INAH. 55 figs, 7 maps, 5 tables, 36 diagrams, 262 p.
SERRA PUCHE, Mari Carmen & Felipe SOLIS OLGUIN, Cristales y obsidiana prehispanicos (Spanish Edition)
, 1994, lavish coffee table book, the largest and must luxurious ever created on obsidian and rock crystal of the OLMEC, TEOTIHUACAN, MAYA, AZTEC and MIXTEC. Includes the only photographs of mahogany-colored obdidian I have ever seen. 232 large and attractively printed pages.
SOLIS OLGUIN, Felipe, CATALOGO DE LA ESCULTURA MEXICA DEL MUSEO DE SANTA CECILIA ACATITLAN, 91 monumental Aztec sculptures illustrated and described.
TALADOIRE, Eric, LES TERRAINS DE JEU DE BALLE, 815 p, the most complete book ever written on ballcourts of Mexico (as well as of the Hohokam of Arizona); illustrates hundreds of ballcourts as well as art which depicts ancient athletes; Shows all the Aztec and Mixtec ballcourts of the codice.