ACANFORA, M. Ornella et al., Il Museo Pigorini
. Covers all primitive arts of the world. Lavish publication on the best pre-Columbian collection in Italy (Rome). Outstanding color of mosaic masks, covers all pre-Columbian cultures, including Maya polychrome vases not widely published elsewhere. 428 p, 586 photographs including 122 in full color.
AOYAGI, Masaki & OKI, Yoshio, NEW HISTORY OF WORLD ART - World Art Complete Collection, The Prehistoric Art and Central & South American Art, most lavish Japanese Mesoamerican coffee table book, over 800 photographs, 90% of Mesoamerican section taken by Nicholas Hellmuth and his F.L.A.A.R. crew. All photos have both English and Japanese descriptions with provenances indicated. This book is not sold anywhere else outside of Japan.
G & T FOUNDATION, PIEZAS MAESTRAS MAYAS, Patrimondo del Museo Nacional de Arquelogia y Etnologia de Guatemala, GALARIA GUATEMALA III, 15.5" x 11.5" hardcover coffee table book, Spanish & English parallel text, 28 articles covering ecology, geography & development of technology of ancient Maya, as well as Preclassic, Classic, Postclassic & Spanish contact periods with the effects of interaction by different cultures. Discusses infrastructures, commerce, war, religion, art, architecture & cultures of Maya. 2 page chart of chronology of major sites. Beautiful photography to illustrate artifacts & culture of the Maya,10 B&W & 150 color photographs plus 35 full page color plates, 249 p.
GRAHAM, Mark Miller (Editor), Reinterpreting Prehistory of Central America
, 9 articles, covers art and cultures of Mesoamerica, photos of pottery, hardcover, 336 p.
GRIFFIN, GILLETT (Introduction), Schatten uit de Nieuwe Wereld
, (In German), 11 articles of precolumbian new world, 20 pages showing chronology of cultures and city states with maps of where these people lived in North, Central & South America and the Carribean, 475 color plates of artifacts from cultures of the americas with descriptions and provenances, including 92 from precolombian Mexico, from Maya (Mexico, Guatemala & Honduras) 52 color plates. 484 glossy pages,
HELLMUTH, N., A bibliography of the 16th-20th century Maya of the Southern lowlands: Chol, Chol Lacandon, Yucatec Lacandon, Quejache, Itza, and Mopan, 1524-1969, (Occasional ... in anthropology. Archaeology series)
. Hellmuth's first publication! 114 p. Actually this is one of the best introductions to the Lacandon Maya available. If you believe that the Lacandon are the descendants of the Maya who built Bonampak, Yaxchilan or Palenque, then you need to read Hellmuth's Introduction in this standard reference work on Lacandon ethnography and ethnohistory. Includes a review of Maya ethnohistory and problems of ethnographic analogy in Maya archaeology.
ICHON, Alain & DOUZANT-ROSENFELD, Denise & USSELMANN, Pierre, ARCHEOLOGIE DE SAUVETAGE 6, La Vallee Moyenne du Rio Chixoy (Guatemala) - Occupation Prehispanique et problemes actuels, 110 maps, B&W photos and illustrations, covers Preclassical (800BC-100AD), Protoclassical-Classical (100-600AD), Late Classical (600-900AD), Epiclassical (900-1100AD), Postclassical (1100-1500AD),234 p.
LARRALDE de SAENZ, Jacqueline, Cronicas en barro y piedra: Arte prehispanico de Mexico en la Coleccion Saenz : el periodo formativo (Spanish Edition)
, more than 500 B&W photographs of figurines, 19 full page color plates - all with descriptions, covers periods 1800-1000BC, 1000-500BC and 500BC - 100AD., 8 maps, includes a chronology of influences of cultures and city states from 1800BC to 1500AD., hardcover, 250 p.
LEON-PORTILLA, Miguel, Tiempo y realidad en el pensamiento Maya: Ensayo de acercamiento (Serie de culturas mesoamericanas) (Spanish Edition)
, 2 maps, 7 B&W photos of glyphs and sculptures, 37 drawings of figures & glyphs, 214 p.
MATOS MOCTEZUMA, Eduardo, Reflexiones en el tiempo: Una mirada al arte prehispanico (Coleccion de arte / UNAM) (Spanish Edition)
, (in Spanish), 3 articles, 14 color plates and 67 B&W photos of artifacts, hardcover, 190 p.
MUSEE BARBIER-MUELLER, ART DE L'AMERIQUE PRECOLOMBIENNE, Olmec, Veracruz hacha, Teotihuacan mask & mural, Monte Alto (Guatemala Preclassic), Tlatilco, Aztec, Huaxtec, 3 maps, 30 full page photographs of artifacts, covers North and South America, Antilles and Mesoamerica, 50 p.
NICHOLSON, H. B., Pre-Columbian Art from the Land Collection
based in part on consultation with Nicholas Hellmuth and others, all Mesoamerican cultures handsomely illustrated with pieces not published elsewhere.
PEREZ GALAZ, Juan de Dios, CAMPECHE EN LA CULTURA MAYA. 90 p., covers preclassic through Spanish contact. Here is a book your library is missing.
RUL, Francisco Gonzalez, LA CERAMICA EN TLATELOCO, INAH. 55 figs, 7 maps, 5 tables, 36 diagrams, 262 p.
SCOTT, John F. Ancient Mesoamerica: Selections from the University Gallery Collection
, 48 photos, 1 map, 60 p., Maya and other art not previously published.
SHAO, Paul, Asiatic influences in Pre-Columbian American art
, 11" X 14", compares photographs of contemparary Asian and Mesoamerican figures to reach his conclusions., 195 p.
, 126 pages of descriptive references, 27 page glossary of names & terms, index of 64 illustrations, 388 p.
TSURUMOTO, Shozo, TREASURES OF THE ANCIENT MAYA EXHIBITION - Searching the Rise and Fall Mystery, (in Japanese), maps of expeditions of Columbus, spheres of influences of some
Maya city states known, locations of city states, 128 color photographs of Maya artifacts on black back-ground plates, 112 p.
UNAM, MEMORIAS DEL PRIMER COLOQUIO INTERNACIONAL DE MAYANISTAS, 1985. 56 maps, 242 figs, 1146 p. This is the most comprehensive set of articles on recent discoveries in Maya art, iconography, epigraphy, and archaeology to appear in recent years. Includes Tikal, Tulum, Belize, Cacaxtla, and two new sculptures just discovered at Bonampak.