EKHOLM-MILLER, Susanna, The Olmec rock carving at Xoc, Chiapas, Mexico (Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation)
the only Olmec monumental art found in the Maya heartland (near Bonampak),
28 p.
FOWLER, William R., El Salvador: Antiguas civilizaciones (Spanish Edition)
sold only in a single location in El Salvador - and they do not ship, they
do not reply to mail orders. The only way to get this book is to fly to
Central America (circa $600) and stay overnight (with meals about $120),
or you can order the book from us for $250 and get it by return mail, $8.
This lavish coffee table book has contributions by E. Wyllys Andrews, Arthur
Demarest, Robert Sharer, and others. Features jade, monumental sculpture
(Olmec, Pot Bellied Sculptures, and more), plus the first color photographs
of Tiquisate-style Teotihuacan incense burners reported from Ahuachapan
and Tazumal. This the best book ever produced on the complete spectrum of
pre-Columbian art of El Salvador. Virtually the entire book is large format
color photographs of aesthetically attractive art. 180 p. ***** 5 star rating
for this impressive contribution to Maya archaeology of Central America.
GRAHAM, John A., et al., EXCAVATIONS AT SEIBAL, Memoirs, Vol. 17,
1990. Peabody Musuem of Archaeology and Ethnology, Monumental
Sculpture and Hieroglyphic inscriptions by John Graham; Burials:
A Cultural Analysis by Gair Tourtellot; The Ethnozoology of
the Maya: Faunal Remains from Five Sites in Peten, Guatemala by
Mary Deland Pohl; General Summary and Conclusions by Gordon
R. Wiley, A Chronology, 7 maps (1 foldout), 18 drawings & 21 photos
of stelae & glyphs with translations. 276 p.
GREENE, Merle, Ancient Maya relief sculpture
rubbings by
Merle Greene Robertson from Palenque, Tikal, Uaxactun, Yaxchilan, Yaxha,
and all the other Maya ruins, plus Cotzumalhuapa, and also Preclassic sculptures,
with text by John Graham and Robert Rands; hundreds of illustrations.
EL QUICHE, GUATEMALA. Rare monograph on Preclassic and Early Classic
sculptures, tombs, and important archaeological discoveries published in
no other book, 74 p., crammed with illustrations, photographs, and information
essential for iconography.
ITO, Nabuyuki & TORRES, Miguel et al., MAYA - SPECIAL EXHIBITION,
Crossroad of History and Race, a major Japanese catalog. Jade (lots,
and in COLOR), obsidian, flint, highland, lowland, mushroom stones,
Preclassic stone, plumbate, ballplayer figures & yokes, Tiquisate, highland
Maya textiles, a necessary investment because of the coverage
within this extensive catalog (mostly loans from Guatemala, but a considerable
number of items nowhere else published). 200p. 126 illustrations of textiles
and ethnographic subjects plus 251 illustrations of ancient art (mostly
in color). This is one of the most comprehensive books yet issued in Japan,
in a quality that we expect for Japan.
LOWE, G., T. Lee, and E. Martinez. Izapa: An introduction to the ruins and monuments (Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation)
, 349 p, hundreds of illustrations,
photographs, maps and architectural drawings showing all the excavations
plus stelae discovered in the last 5 years. This book is essential for understanding
the Preclassic/Proto- Classic origins of the eventual Maya civilization.
Suitable for the aficionado,
NAVARRETE, Carlos, The Olmec rock carvings at Pijijiapan, Chiapas, Mexico and other Olmec pieces from Chiapas and Guatemala (Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation)
, fascinating
Olmec art, NWAF # 35,
NIEDERBERGER Betton, Christine, Paleopaysages et Archeologie pre-Urbaine
du Bassin de Mexico, 2 large volumes. Complete review of Preclassic
iconography (figurines and pottery) in general and Olmec iconography in
particular (jades and sculpture). I have not seen this title offered in
other catalogs; they are probably long out of print. (853 pages of educational information including 237 drawings,
269 photos, plus 209 charts/ maps/tables).
NORMAN, V. Garth, Izapa Sculpture, Part 2: Text
, 2 vols. I is album of photographs
and line drawings of the stelae and altars, II includes more drawings, additional
photographs, and descriptive text. Suitable for the lay reader as well as
student and scholar. 360p. of text including 245 drawings and 64 plates
PARSONS, L., PRE-COLUMBIAN AMERICA: THE ART & ARCHAEOLOGY OF SOUTH, CENTRAL AND MIDDLE AMERICA. Jaina figurines, ballgame sculpture, incense burners, Preclassic, Aztec, West Coast Mexico, 193 p.
ROMERO PACHECO, Arturo, Carlos Navarrete, and Victor
Segovia, Kohunlich: Una ciudad maya del clasico temprano (Spanish Edition)
, presentation copy of the President of Mexico
given to ambassadors, bank presidents, governors, etc. handbound
in embossed leather, possibly the most lavish book ever produced on Maya
archaeology since Kingsborough. 335 giant size pages, double page spread
illustrations. It is amazing how beautiful a book Mexico can produce. Packing
and postage is $40 due to the size and weight of this magnificent volume.
Insurance is $10, but you must ask for it specifically.
TRUEBLOOD, Beatrice (editor) Museum of Anthropology of Xalapa (Veracruz en la cultura)
, Monumental Olmec sculpture, Arroyo Pesquero Olmec Masks,
El Tajin Relief Sculpture, Hardcover, w/articles by: Michael Coe - The Olmecs,
Felipe Solis - Central Veracruz & Beatriz de la Fuente - The Huastecs.
Each article shows beautifully photographed artifacts of the Museum of Anthropology
of Xalapa in colored lighting and highlights. The accompanying descriptions
include provenances. Over 140 color plates. 204 p.
VIZCAINO, Antonio, Museo de Antropologia de Xalapa (Spanish Edition)
, covers the Olmec, Totonac and Huastec cultures w/122 beautiful
color plates. Text is in Spanish with an index of the plates., hardcover
coffee table book, 143 p.