BERNAL, Ignacio and Arturo Oliveros. Exploraciones arqueologicas en Dainzu, Oaxaca (Coleccion cientifica) (Spanish Edition)
. 62 photos, 52 plates with drawings, 5 fold out maps, INAH, 130 p.
, UNAM, Num. 7, Apr 1986. Arquitectura de Oaxaca, covers aspects of Zapotec and Mixtec architecture that are not published anywhere else, 96 p.
GARCIA MOLL, Roberto (coordinator), El Mundo Mixteco y Zapoteco
, 1992, only the subsidy of a major Mexican bank could result in such an impressive coffee table book, possibly the best book yet produced on the archaeology of Oaxaca. Out of print - we got the last five copies from buying out the publisher's warehouse. 147 stunning color photographs of the highest quality. 195 p.
Union Academique Internationale, Corpus Antiquitatum Americanensium, INAH, Mexico. Vol. II COLECCIONES LEIGH Y MUSEO FRISSEL DE ARTE ZAPOTECA by Frank BOOS. portfolio (corner and edge torn). 1966, 121 p. text (Sp. and English), 102 large photographs of Oaxaca urns. This is the largest issue of the series,
Union Academique Internationale, Corpus Antiquitatum Americanensium, INAH, Mexico. Vol. III COLECCIONES LEIGH, MUSEO FRISSEL DE ARTE ZAPOTECA, SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Y OTROS by Frank BOOS. More Oaxaca urns that were not covered in Vol. II. 1968, portfolio (edges scuffed, corners torn direct from original publisher two decades ago, but inside is pristine as these are new not used), 45 p text, 31 large format plates.
Union Academique Internationale, Corpus Antiquitatum Americanensium, INAH, Mexico. Vol. VI ESCULTURAS ASOCIADAS DEL VALLE DE OAXACA portfolio (corners torn, edges rubbed) drawings of stelae by Andy Seuffert, text, Ignacio BERNAL. 29 p. Sp. and English text.
Union Academique Internationale, Corpus Antiquitatum Americanensium, INAH, Mexico. Vol. VII BAJORELIEVES EN EL MUSEO DE ARTE ZAPOTECO DE MITLA, OAXACA portfilio (edge torn) of drawings.
FERNANDEZ Davila, Enrique and Susana Gomez Serafin, Arqueologia de Huatulco, Oaxaca: Memoria de la primera temporada de campo del proyecto arqueologico Bahias de Huatulco (Coleccion cientifica) (Spanish Edition)
, INAH. 35 maps, 80 figs, 154 p.
CASO, Alfonso, El Tesoro de Monte Alban
, INAH, reissue by Bancomer in FULL COLOR in 1982. The complete report on the gold Mixtec treasure of Monte Alban, 406 p. This is one of the most crucial monographs to have in your library.