HELLMUTH, N., The Escuintla hoards: Teotihuacan art in Guatemala (F.L.A.A.R. progress reports)
; large format
photographs, not published elsewhere; includes ballgame decapitation ritual, 70 p.
HELLMUTH, Nicholas, Structure 5D-73, BURIAL 196, TIKAL, PETEN, GUATEMALA, 2 volumes, spiral bound, so many hundreds of illustrations we gave up counting maps, lots of architectural drawings of the pyramid and tomb chamber, rollout drawings of all the decorated vases, complete drawings of all the plates, pictures of all the jade in situ inside the crypt. $400 (we may have one set left). This opus was Hellmuth's B.A. honor's thesis (awarded a Summa cum Laude at Harvard). Burial 196 ("The Tomb of the Jade Jaguar") is the third largest Late Classic burial ever found in the entire Maya lowlands. The author spent several months inside the tomb and in the lab taking copious notes, doing exquisite drawings, and taking abundant photographs, making this the most thoroughly recorded burial ever excavated in Mesoamerica.
HELLMUTH, N., The surface of the underwaterworld: Iconography of the gods of early classic Maya art in Peten, Guatemala
. 2 volumes. Hundreds and hundreds of beautiful line drawings. Twelve artists worked for years to produce these drawings. Over a decade of photography around the world went into the photographs from which the drawings were taken. These two volumes are the English original of Hellmuth's Ph.D. dissertation, the fancy edition printed in Graz, Austria.