BAUDEZ, Claude, JEAN-FREDERIC WALDECK, Pientre Le Premier Explorateur des Ruinas Mayas, w/63 drawings & paintings of Maya carvings and fanciful landscapes & people, glossy pages, Hardcover. 200 p.
BENSON, Elizabeth (editor) City -States of the Maya: Art and Architecture
with articles on
El Mirador by Ray Matheny, Tikal by Peter Harrison,
Uxmal by Jeff Kowalski, Copan by Mary Miller,
Palenque by Linda Schele, 171 pages, features color architectural drawings of El Mirador, a map of El Mirador, and color photographs of Copan.
BENSON, Elizabeth and David Joralemon, Pre-Columbian art from Mesoamerica and Ecuador
: Selections from Distinguished Private Collections. 32 p., Color & B+W photos of Olmec and Maya art not published anywhere else.
BERJONNEAU, Gerald and Jean-Louis Sonnery, Rediscovered masterpieces of Mesoamerica: Mexico-Guatemala-Honduras
, foreword by Michael Coe, who called this "the most beautiful book yet produced on Mesoamerican art" handsomely printed in Switzerland, hardcover, filled with hundreds of photographs (including by Justin Kerr, some by Nicholas Hellmuth), lavish layout, large page size, 287 pages of outstanding ancient art.
CHOUINARD, Jeffrey, MOUTHS OF STONE: Stories of the Ancient Maya, 1995, covers art and archaeology of the ancient Maya, features drawings of Linda Shele, Barbara Fash & others, hardcover coffee table book with Beautiful cover photograph by Nicholas Hellmuth-F.L.A.A.R. Photo Archive., 242 p.
GRIFFIN, GILLETT (Introduction), Schatten uit de Nieuwe Wereld
, (In German), 11 articles of precolumbian new world, 20 pages showing chronology of cultures and city states with maps of where these people lived in North, Central & South America and the Carribean, 475 color plates of artifacts from cultures of the americas with descriptions and provenances, including 92 from precolombian Mexico, from Maya (Mexico, Guatemala & Honduras) 52 color plates. 484 glossy pages,
HABERLAND, Wolfgang, Die Kunst des indianischen Amerika = American Indian art: Beschreibender Katalog
(in English and in German), Museum Rietberg, Zurich. Maya, Veracruz ballgame sculpture, Preclassic figurines, West Coast Mexico, plus Peruvian textiles. Maya section features vases, Jaina figurines and stelae. 408 p, and lots of maps, hardcover, printed with Swiss quality.
HELLMUTH, N., MONSTERS AND MEN, the complete German/English bilingual edition coffee-table version, printed in Graz, Austria, with 727 illustrations including lots of color photographs. Most of the Maya art herein has never previously been published.
Leather (real leather, hand bound),
edition listed to 100 copies, each copy hand numbered.
Hand bound, cover imbossed with Maya design, edition limited to 100 copies, each copy numbered.
Regular edition, hardcover,
This Graz edition has several advantages over the Ph.D. version, lots in color, lots not in the Ph.D. version, and additional text. Although the Graz edition is primarily in German, ALL CAPTIONS to all illustrations ARE IN ENGLISH. Most people buy both the Ph.D. version to get the complete text in English, then buy the Graz additional also to get all the color plus the updates (the additional data).
HELLMUTH, N., A General Introduction to Maya Art, Architecture, & Archaeology: Tikal Copan Travel Guide 1978: A Complete Guide to All of the Maya Ruins of...Central America
includes travel information. Revised edition (1978), 214 p, hundreds of photographs, easily the most popular book Hellmuth has written, which has taken the book into Out of Print status. Lots of photos of MAYA POTTERY, most of which is not anywhere else published. Covers more than 20 sites w/ history and maps of areas.
HELLMUTH, N., CATALOG OF TZAKOL PERIOD MAYA ART IN SITE REPORTS AND IN MUSEUMS AND PRIVATE COLLECTIONS: Guatemala, Mexico, USA, Canada and Europe, Vol. II: Maya Cylindrical Tripods. This is the only catalog of all known Early Classic cylindrical tripods from the museums and private collections throughout the world. Sections include stuccoed-and-painted, polychrome painted, negative painted, etc. Lists all hieroglyphic inscriptions. Pots in private collections are compared and contrasted with all known examples excavated from Chiapas, Peten, Belize, Honduras, and the highlands especially with tripods from Tikal and Uaxactun. 7 full page photographs, 247 pages of cogent description. Hardcover (library binding), $60; softcover.
HILDSHEIM, DIE WELT DER MAYA, (in German), 264 color plates of precolombian artifacts with full page in depth analyses, descriptions and provenances, 14 articles in 284 pages w/175 beautiful color photographs of sites, stelae, codices, murals and artifacts. The authors of the articles are: Herbert Wilhelmy, Juan Antonio Valdes, Robert J. Sharer, Nicholas P. Dunning, Wolfgang W. Wurster, Oscar Quintana, Stephan D. Houston & David Stuart, David A. Freidel, Ted Leyenaar & Gerald W. van Bussel, Linda Schele, Nicholai Grube, T. Patrick Culbert, Diane & Arlene Chase, and Carolyn Tate. 636 p.
KANO, Chiaki, TAKAHASHI COLLECTION, The Americas, materials on the Americas from the Takahashi collection, 96 p., Peru, Columbia, Costa Rica, MAYA, ballgame hacha, palma, polychrome vases, plates, bowls, eccentric flints (stela cache), eccentric obsidian, preclassic pottery, figurines, Maya polychrome enema scene, outstanding glyphs on giant Peten Maya plate.
KELKER, Nancy (ed), America Before Columbus: Pre-Columbian Art in the Collection of the San Antonio Museum of Art
. Articles by Peter Furst, Hasso von Winning, Gordon McEwan. 132 p. including lots of photographs of pre-Columbian art not pictured in any other catalog. covers Maya art, Teotihuacan, Toltec, Aztec, Jalisco, Nayarit, Colima, Chupicuaro, Guerrero, Michoacan, Oaxaca plus Peruvian ceramics as well.
KING, Elizabeth (ed) ART & ENVIRONMENT IN NATIVE AMERICA, eight articles, includes: HALLUCINOGENS IN PRE-COLUMBIAN ART by Peter Furst, CLIMATE & ICONOGRAPHY IN PALENQUE SCULPTURE by George Kubler, and articles on Mexican and Peruvian art, 169 p.
MUSEE BARBIER-MUELLER, ART DE L'AMERIQUE PRECOLOMBIENNE, Olmec, Veracruz hacha, Teotihuacan mask & mural, Monte Alto (Guatemala Preclassic), Tlatilco, Aztec, Huaxtec, 3 maps, 30 full page photographs of artifacts, covers North and South America, Antilles and Mesoamerica, 50 p.
PARSONS, L. et al., The Face of Ancient America: The Wally and Brenda Zollman Collection of Precolumbian Art
, Foreword by Michael Coe, rollout photographs by Justin Kerr, includes abundant iconographic data from Nicholas Hellmuth and others; "scholarship with outstanding photographs," plenty of color photos of Maya art.
PROSKOURIAKOFF, Tatiana, MAYA HISTORY, Hardcover, about 150 pages w/glyphs and descriptions and chronology of art of Classic period (250-900AD), 14 line drawings of monuments, more than 300 original glyphs drawings, 211 p.
ROBICSEK, Francis, The Smoking Gods Tobacco in Maya Art, History, and Religion
, foreword by Michael Coe. 233 p., 234 illustrations (including photographs by Nicholas Hellmuth), 265 outstanding color plates,
SCHELE, Linda & FREIDEL, David, A FOREST OF KINGS -The Untold Story of the Ancient Maya, w/16 color plates, photographic rollouts of Maya vase & pottery drawings, hardcover, 542 p.
SCOTT, John F. Ancient Mesoamerica: Selections from the University Gallery Collection
, 48 photos, 1 map, 60 p., Maya and other art not previously published,