FELDMAN, L., R. Terzuola, Payson Sheets, C. Cameron, Jade workers in the Motagua Valley: The late classic Terzuola site (Museum brief ; #17)
, 15 p., the historic discovery of actual jadeite
sources in Guatemala, which resulted in a million dollar industry of jade
TIKAL (shows insides of royal tomb) and TIKAL: NORTH ACROPOLIS AND AN EARLY TOMB by Wm. Coe; photographs,
drawings, and text provide readable description of how to find and professionally
excavate a wealthy Preclassic burial. Expedition, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1963.
HELLMUTH, Nicholas, Structure 5D-73, BURIAL 196, TIKAL, PETEN, GUATEMALA,
2 volumes, spiral bound, so many hundreds of illustrations we gave up counting
maps, lots of architectural drawings of the pyramid and tomb chamber, rollout
drawings of all the decorated vases, complete drawings of all the plates,
pictures of all the jade in situ inside the crypt. This opus was Hellmuth's B.A. honor's thesis (awarded a Summa
cum Laude at Harvard). Burial 196 ("The Tomb of the Jade Jaguar")
is the third largest Late Classic burial ever found in the entire Maya lowlands.
The author spent several months inside the tomb and in the lab taking copious
notes, doing exquisite drawings, and taking abundant photographs, making
this the most thoroughly recorded burial ever excavated in Mesoamerica.
ITO, Nabuyuki & TORRES, Miguel et al., MAYA
- SPECIAL EXHIBITION, Crossroad of History and Race, a major Japanese
catalog. Jade (lots, and in COLOR), obsidian, flint, highland, lowland,
mushroom stones, Preclassic stone, plumbate, ballplayer figures & yokes,
Tiquisate, highland Maya textiles,The coverage within this extensive catalog (mostly loans from
Guatemala, but a considerable number of items nowhere else published). 200
p. 126 illustrations of textiles and ethnographic subjects plus 251 illustrations
of ancient art (mostly in color). This is one of the most comprehensive
books yet issued in Japan, in a quality that we expect for Japan.
LANGE, Frederick W.(editor), Precolumbian Jade: New Geological and Cultural Interpretations
, hardcover, w/25 color plates, 22 articles on styles
and uses, 378 p.
LAPORTE, Juan Pedro & VALDES, Juan Antonio, Tikal Y Uaxactun En El Preclasico
, 8 articles, includes 60 architectural drawings of locations,
a chronology of the area, 30 masks, 126 p.
NIEDERBERGER Betton, Christine, Paleopaysages et Archeologie pre-Urbaine du Bassin de Mexico, 2 large volumes. Complete review of Preclassic iconography (figurines and pottery) in general and Olmec iconography in particular (jades and sculpture). (853 pages of educational information including 237 drawings, 269 photos, plus 209 charts/ maps/tables).
PROSKOURIAKOFF, Tatiana, Jades from the Cenote of Sacrifice, Chichen Itza, Yucatan
hundreds of selections of Jade shown
on 86 B&W photographic plates, also four color plates with 28 Jade pieces
( all from 1910-1917 expeditions ), complete descriptions of every piece
crossreferenced. 217 p.
YASUGI, Yoshiho (commentary), ORNAMENTS OF THE WORLD, VOL. 5, The Continent
of America, native art of the Americas, 408 photographs & drawings,
has 51 color and 38 B&W photos of Maya ceramics, not counting Maya murals,
architecture, sculpture, plus non-Maya cultures of America.
The Guatemalan textiles are especially handsomely rendered in color which
only the Japanese can so stunningly print. There are hieroglyphic inscriptions
shown that are not published in any other book. Thus for epigraphers this
book is a useful reference to allow keeping up to date with what is available
to study from the F.L.A.A.R. Photo Archive. More of Hellmuth's Maya photographs
are here than in any other book available this decade. Only a few of these
ancient Maya ceramics have been published elsewhere. In other words, the
majority of these pictures are not available in any other book and only
about 7% of the Maya art in this book is found in books by Coe, Robicsek,
or even Kerr.
Since the book is in Japanese, we have captions available in English (which
will accompany your order). These captions are by Hellmuth and constitute
a review of his advances in iconography based on the immense F.L.A.A.R.
Photo Archive.