CAVE, Commorative Sculpture of the Late Classic Maya, 6 Tables, 70 figures
of Maya scenes & glyphs and descriptions, Hardcover with glossy dustjacket.
287 p.
BRETON, Adela,Some notes on Xochicalco
. One of the few publications
on Xochicalco available in English; has outstanding drawings of the monumental
facade sculpture - Mayoid mixed with Post-Teotihuacan styles. Transactions
of the Dept. of Archaeology, Free Museum of Science and Art, Philadelphia,
Vol. 2, Part 1. 105 p.
, 160 pages of color photographs
with text in Spanish, (9.5" x 12") 174 p.
CACAXTLA, CACAXTLA: Proyecto de investigacion y conservacion. Gobierno del Estado de Tlaxcala, 1990. With articles by several archaeologists, Sergio de la V. Vergara Berdejo, Ramon Sanchez Flores, etc. The value of this book for archaeology, iconography, and art history is in the accurate line drawings, especially of the God L as merchant, Frog-Toad, Maize God, and Jaguar-Turtle, murals; 98 pages, photos (color and B+W). These particular mural segments are in no other book on Cacaxtla, and are not in the National Geographic article on Cacaxtla either. We have never seen this book offered elsewhere; it is virtually impossible to find even in the city of Tlaxcala, and was sold- out at Cacaxtla itself about three years ago. 98 p. Hence its value.
MORLEY, Sylvanus, The Stela Platform at Uxmal, Yucatan, Mexico
, 31 p, fully illustrated, essential reading for everyone
who has been to Uxmal especially if you were never shown the stela platform
with all the unusual stelae.
SHARER, Robert J., Quirigua: A Classic Maya Center & Its Sculptures
, 64 photos, maps & illustrations, covers
chronology of site from 400-900AD and relationship to other Maya civilizations,
hardcover, 124 p.
SOTELO SANTOS, Laura Elena, Yaxchilan (Spanish Edition)
, 190 thick pages with 57 color
photographs of a quality better than in any other publication on Yaxchilan.
These particular photographs far exceed those in any book on Yaxchilan printed
in the USA or Europe, and are even better than Maler's or Maudslay's photographs
in part because they are in color. This particular Mexican photographer
was clearly a pro.
TRUEBLOOD, Beatrice (editor) Museum of Anthropology of Xalapa (Veracruz en la cultura)
, Monumental Olmec sculpture, Arroyo Pesquero Olmec Masks,
El Tajin Relief Sculpture, Hardcover, w/articles by: Michael Coe - The Olmecs,
Felipe Solis - Central Veracruz & Beatriz de la Fuente - The Huastecs.
Each article shows beautifully photographed artifacts of the Museum of Anthropology
of Xalapa in colored lighting and highlights. The accompanying descriptions
include provenances. Over 140 color plates. 204 p.,
VIZCAINO, Antonio, Museo de Antropologia de Xalapa (Spanish Edition)
, covers the Olmec,
Totonac and Huastec cultures w/122 beautiful color plates. Text is in Spanish
with an index of the plates., hardcover coffee table book, 143 p.
WILKERSON, S. Jeffrey, El Tajin: A guide for visitors
, 79 pages, filled with color photographs,
maps, line drawings of stelae, ballcourt panels. The most complete book
available on El Tajin. Considering that El Tajin is crucial for understanding
the ballgame, is the home for yokes, hachas, and palmas, and influenced
the entire Maya area, this is an essential book for Maya iconography.