MURPHY, Francis, Dragon mask temples in Central Yucatan (1952-1972)
, 82 large format pages, hardcover, published in Hong Kong with stunningly beautiful full page photographs of Chenes and Rio Bec palaces and temples. Covers Hochob, Tabasqueno, Dzibilnocac, Chicanna, Hormiguero, Santa Rosa Xtampak as well as CHENES temples at Uxmal and Copan. This rare book just got rarer since the warehouse storing them all (in Hong Kong) was destroyed. DRAGON MASKS is the most attractive book on RIO BEC Maya architecture of Campeche yet printed.
NAKAMURA, Seiichi, Kazuo Aoyama, and Eiji Uratsuji, Investigaciones Arqueologicas en la Region de la Entrada
, 3 volume report of the Japanese archaeological expedition northeast of Copan: ceramics, artifacts, sculpture, hieroglyphs (decipherments by Linda Schele).
PROSKOURIAKOFF, Tatiana, A study of classic Maya sculpture (Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publication)
, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Pub. 593, original edition, not the reprint with fuzzy 2nd-hand illustrations. Paper version (original Carnegie edition still in CIW binding), oxidized cover, Rare edition of the most important reference book on Maya sculpture ever published.
SANDERS, William, EXCAVACIONES EN EL AREA URBANA DE COPAN, Vol. I, 152 architectural drawings, 157 photos, 10 fold out drawings, 391 p.
STONE, Doris, Archaeology of the north coast of Honduras, (Memoirs of the Peabody museum of archaeology and ethnology, Harvard university)
, Peabody Museum, Memoirs, Vol. IX, No. 1, 1941, original edition, NEW, not used, not a reprint. This is, to our knowledge, the only new and unused example of this book available in the world.