III Simposio de Arqueologia Guatemalteca, (1989), Museo Nacional de Arqueologia y Ethnologia, 1993, 409 informative pages packed with the latest archaeological discoveries from Guatemala. Includes Richard Hansen on Nakbe (key pre-Classic sister-city of El Mirador), Arthur Demarest, Erick Ponciano, Juan Antonio Valdes and other leading archaeologists.
A 'MINIATURE STELA' FROM TIKAL, Expedition, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1962.
BECQUELIN, Pierre, Arch�ologie de la r�gion de N�baj : Guat�mala
(Guatemala), lots of illustrations of decorated MAYA pottery (Early Classic and giant complex incensarios), 194 p, 145 photos, printed in Europe.
COE, William, Piedras Negras archaeology: artifacts, caches, and burials (University Museum, University of Pennsylvania. Museum monographs)
. 240 p. filled with data on flint, obsidian (especially eccentrics), jade; has drawings of the royal tombs of Piedras Negras. The most complete report ever published on Piedras Negras. A standard reference work essential for all archaeologists, especially for the hieroglyphs on artifacts (has all the glyph drawings from incised artifacts).
FAUVET-BERTHELOT, Marie-France, Ethnoprehistoire de la Maison Maya, history and archaeology of native highland Guatemala Maya houses, 296 p, well illustrated.
FELDMAN, Lawrence, Riverine Maya: The Torquegua and other chols of the Lower Motagua Valley (Museum briefs)
out of print.
FELDMAN, L., R. Terzuola, Payson Sheets, C. Cameron, Jade workers in the Motagua Valley: The late classic Terzuola site (Museum brief ; #17)
, 15 p, the historic discovery of actual jadeite sources in Guatemala, which resulted in a million dollar industry of jade mining,
G & T FOUNDATION, PIEZAS MAESTRAS MAYAS, Patrimondo del Museo Nacional de Arquelogia y Etnologia de Guatemala, GALARIA GUATEMALA III, 15.5" x 11.5" hardcover coffee table book, Spanish & English parallel text, 28 articles covering ecology, geography & development of technology of ancient Maya, as well as Preclassic, Classic, Postclassic & Spanish contact periods with the effects of interaction by different cultures. Discusses infrastructures, commerce, war, religion, art, architecture & cultures of Maya. 2 page chart of chronology of major sites. Beautiful photography to illustrate artifacts & culture of the Maya,10 B&W & 150 color photographs plus 35 full page color plates, 249 p.
GARCIA URREA, Carlos, TIKAL: EL MONUMENTAL MUNDO PERDIDO, 97 p with illustrations of the Mundo Perdido excavations nowhere else published, a rare report you will not find elsewhere.
GRAHAM, John A., et al., EXCAVATIONS AT SEIBAL, Memoirs, Vol. 17, 1990. Peabody Musuem of Archaeology and Ethnology, Monumental Sculpture and Hieroglyphic inscriptions by John Graham; Burials: A Cultural Analysis by Gair Tourtellot; The Ethnozoology of the Maya: Faunal Remains from Five Sites in Peten, Guatemala by Mary Deland Pohl; General Summary and Conclusions by Gordon R. Wiley, A Chronology, 7 maps (1 foldout), 18 drawings & 21 photos of stelae & glyphs with translations. 276 p.
HARRISON, Peter, A JADE PENDANT FROM TIKAL (shows insides of royal tomb) and TIKAL: NORTH ACROPOLIS AND AN EARLY TOMB by Wm. Coe; photographs, drawings, and text provide readable description of how to find and professionally excavate a wealthy Preclassic burial. Expedition, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1963.
HELLMUTH, Nicholas, Structure 5D-73, BURIAL 196, TIKAL, PETEN, GUATEMALA, 2 volumes, spiral bound, so many hundreds of illustrations we gave up counting maps, lots of architectural drawings of the pyramid and tomb chamber, rollout drawings of all the decorated vases, complete drawings of all the plates, pictures of all the jade in situ inside the crypt. . This opus was Hellmuth's B.A. honor's thesis (awarded a Summa cum Laude at Harvard). Burial 196 ("The Tomb of the Jade Jaguar") is the third largest Late Classic burial ever found in the entire Maya lowlands. The author spent several months inside the tomb and in the lab taking copious notes, doing exquisite drawings, and taking abundant photographs, making this the most thoroughly recorded burial ever excavated in Mesoamerica.
HERRMANN, Andreas, Auf den Spuren der Maya: Eine Fotodokumentation von Teobert Maler (1842-1917)
, 19th century photographs by TEOBERT MALER of Maya sites. Published by ADEVA-Graz (long out of print). Ignore the German, go for the great photographs: PIEDRAS NEGRAS with the Usumacinta River in the background, the stelae of Piedras Negras still in situ, YAXCHILAN with the stelae before being removed to Mexico City.
- See the illusive HUNTICHMUL II, the bizarre tower system totally unlike anything at Rio Bec.
- DZIBILTUN, the most beautiful single temple in the entire Chenes area. DSEBKABTUN's main palace before it collapsed.
- Panorama of HOCHOB before the most ornate monster-facade building collapsed.
- SANTA ROSA XTAMPAK as it looked in the last century. - front and rear views. 19th century photographs including the sculptures in the palace while still intact! The incredible temple of Maler's Plate 42 has never been found since - one of the most bizarre sculptured facades in the Chenes area.
- The Maler photograph of DZIBILNOCAC is the best ever taken.
- Shows KIUIC, ICHPICH, and many ruins unknown until George Andrews rephotographed them in the 1970's.
- The view of XKICHMOL (sic) shows a view no longer possible today.
- Shows what Uxmal looked like in the last century.
Libraries, scholars, and collectors are coming to FLAAR since they report the publisher in Graz says it is "sorry, out of print." You cannot get this cheaper by ordering directly from Graz because they have no more copies. The book is totally out of print. We have about two copies left.
HOUSTON, Stephen D., Hieroglyphs and History at DOS Pilas: Dynastic Politics of the Classic Maya
- Dynastic Politics of the Classic Maya, chronology of the site and its lords, 16 maps, 12 tables & more than 20 illustrations. 181 p.
ICHON, Alain, LES SCULPTURES DE LA LAGUNITA, EL QUICHE, GUATEMALA. Rare monograph on Preclassic and Early Classic sculptures, tombs, and important archaeological discoveries published in no other book, 74 p., crammed with illustrations, photographs, and information essential for iconography.
ICHON, Alain and Marion P. HATCH, ARCHEOLOGIE DE SAUVETAGE DANS LA VALLEE DU RIO CHIXOY. no. 4, LOS ENCUENTROS. 193 pages with plenty of illustrations. These reports are as good (if not better) than the Carnegie Institution of Washington monographs. Includes patolli game board (fig. 101), ballcourt (fig. 34), pottery, temple and palace architecture, tombs, and artifacts all pictured in drawings and/or photographs.
ICHON, Alain & ARNAULD, Marie Charlotte, ARCHEOLOGIE DE SAUVETAGE 5, Les Sites Classique de la Vallee Moyenne du Chixoy, 53 maps & layouts, 150 photos and illustrations, 175 p.
ICHON, Alain & DOUZANT-ROSENFELD, Denise & USSELMANN, Pierre, ARCHEOLOGIE DE SAUVETAGE 6, La Vallee Moyenne du Rio Chixoy (Guatemala) - Occupation Prehispanique et problemes actuels, 110 maps, B&W photos and illustrations, covers Preclassical (800BC-100AD), Protoclassical-Classical (100-600AD), Late Classical (600-900AD), Epiclassical (900-1100AD), Postclassical (1100-1500AD), 234 p.
MALER, Teobert, EXPLORATIONS IN THE DEPT OF PETEN, GUATEMALA, Motul de San Jose, Peten-Itza, since this is the original 1910 publication, pages are uncut, new (not used), an opportunity to own an original Maler monograph.
MAUDSLAY, A. P., ARCHAEOLOGY Biologia-Centrali-Americana (all in English despite the title), complete 6 vol set bound as four volumes. The most impressive book on Maya architecture ever produced, covers also stelae of Tikal, Copan, Quirigua, inscriptions of Palenque, and more. We have sets available for immediate shipment. The ideal present for someone who has just returned from, or about to go on, a trip to Mexico or Guatemala.
OHI, Kuniaki et al., KAMINALJUYU - Excavation Research, 1994, Set of 2 volumes, boxed w/history & culture, (texts in Spanish and Japanese) hundreds of B&W photos of artifacts and site excavations as well as illustrations. Foldouts of maps, chronologies of architecture, designs of crafts and cultures. 762 p.
Primer Simposio Mundial Sobre Epigrafia Maya dedicado al Dr. Heinrich Berlin y a la Memoria de Tatiana Proskouriakoff 1909-1985
, with articles by Clemency Coggins, Christopher Jones on decipherment of inscriptions at Tikal as well as the only published illustrations of the just discovered incredible early architectural facade masks of Uaxactun much nicer sculpture than the famous E- VII-sub! Includes complete epigraphy and iconography of the remarkable Teotihuacan style portable ballcourt marker recently found at Tikal Early with lots of glyphs. Only 500 copies ever printed.
RHODES, Rilley, THE WORLD BEYOND, MAYA TOMB CERAMICS. Essential reading for Maya iconography as this rare publication illustrates outstanding works of Maya art from ancient Guatemala not included in the books of either Coe or of Robicsek. Impressive giant burial urns, unusual Early Classic incensarios "a goddess giving birth," pottery statues of the Sun God, and one of only three known Maya Teotihuacan-related censors from the Peten. The Tiquisate masterpieces are the most exotic of their kind in the world. 50 impressive photographs.
RUBIO CIFUENTES, Rolando Roberto ESTRUCTURA J-107 SITIO ARQUEOLOGICO EL BAUL SANTA LUCIA COTZUMALGUAPA, ESCUINTLA GUATEMALA, 173 p, illus (especially rim profiles) including rubbings of two Tiquisate ballplayer cylindrical tripods, out of print, but we have one.
SATTERTHWAITE, L.,MAYA PRACTICE STONE CARVING AT PIEDRAS NEGRAS The only article available which illustrates how the Maya organized the glyph columns on the stelae. Fascinating reading. Expedition, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1965.
SHARER, Robert J., Quirigua: A Classic Maya Center & Its Sculptures
, 64 photos, maps & illustrations, covers chronology of site from 400-900AD and relationship to other Maya civilizations, hardcover, 124 p.
SHOOK, Edwin and Alfred Kidder; THE PAINTED TOMB AT TIKAL description and photographs of discovery of the only major tomb at Tikal that had murals. This is the tomb mentioned in comparison with the recently discovered Rio Azul tomb murals; in same issue, "LORDS OF THE MAYA REALM" by Tatiana PROSKOURIAKOFF, describes how she deciphered the Maya hieroglyphic inscriptions at Piedras Negras. Vol. 4, No. 1, 1961.
SMITH, Virginia G. Izapa Relief Carving: Form, Content, Rules for Design, and Role in Mesoamerican Art History and Archaeology (Dumbarton Oaks Pre-Columbian Art and Archaeology Studies Series) (v. 27)
, 103 p., with lots of illustrations including stelae from Abaj Takalik not widely published elsewhere.
THE CHULTUNS OF TIKAL by Dennis Puleston together with PREHISTORIC SETTLEMENT AT TIKAL, GUATEMALA by W. Haviland. Photographs, drawings, and explanation of excavations dedicated to the daily life of the ancient Maya. Expedition, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1965.
THE FIELD LABORATORY AT TIKAL, includes photographs of tomb excavations and discoveries from the North Acropolis, Expedition, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1963.
TOZZER, Alfred, A Preliminary Study of the Prehistoric Ruins of Nakum Guatemala A Report of the Peabody Museum Expedition 1909-10
, a Report of the Peabody Museum Expedition 1909-1910, 54 illustrations, 23 large photos of the impressive temples and palaces, this is the original 1913 edition, the last found in a corner of the warehouse.
WALTERS, Gary Rex, The San Agustin Acasaguastlan Archaeological Project: Report on the 1979 field season (Museum brief)
. Describes artifacts found at jade workshops and in burial chambers. 39 p, 5 maps, 34 illustrations.