Artes de Mexico, Museo Nacional De Antropologia (Artes de Mexico Numero 66/67)
, double size issue, long out of print, many full page photographs, much in color . Fill in the missing numbers of your "Artes de Mexico" series.
MAUDSLAY, A. P., Archaeology (Biologia Centrali-Americana)
(all in English despite the title) The most impressive book on Maya architecture ever produced, covers also stelae of Tikal, Copan, Quirigua, inscriptions of Palenque, and more. We have sets available for immediate shipment. The ideal present for someone who has just returned from, or about to go on, a trip to Mexico or Guatemala.
Union Academique Internationale, Corpus Antiquitatum Americanensium, INAH, Mexico. Vol. IV YUGOS DE LA COLECCION DEL MUSEO NACIONAL DE ANTROPOLOGIA, English/Sp. text. Outstanding ballgame yokes in professional line renderings by Andy Seuffert, text by Ignacio BERNAL, 51 p. text, 42 large format drawings. portfolio (corners torn & cracked but pages themselves in pristine condition),