ALL FOUR MAYA CODICES IN COLOR, the Chiapas government edition, completely in color, leather bound, hardcover, this Chiapas edition which was printed from the Adeva facsimiles!
HERNANDEZ PONS, Elsa C. Investigaciones arqueologicas en el Valle del Rio Tulija, Tabasco-Chiapas (Proyecto Tierras bajas noroccidentales) (Spanish Edition)
, UNAM, photos of Jaina-related figurines, Palenque style incense burners, over 200 p, with the only available photographs and map of Maya ruins of TORTEGUERO, source of stelae in Villahermosa museum. Long out of print. Our copies are brand new; how is this possible? We bought them over 9 years ago but never opened the boxes since we have been so busy with our research projects.
LAUGHLIN, Robert M. Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax Sundries from Zinacantan (Mexico) bi-lingual
, Maya ethnography of Chiapas, Smithsonian Institution, out of print, 286 p
NAVARRETE, Carlos, The Chiapanec history and culture (New World Archaeological Foundation. Publication)
. Ethnography, ethnohistory and archaeology of Chiapas, NWAF # 21, 110 p.
NORMAN, V. Garth, Izapa Sculpture, Part 2: Text
, 2 vols. I is album of photographs and line drawings of the stelae and altars, II includes more drawings, additional photographs, and descriptive text. Suitable for the lay reader as well as student and scholar. 360p. of text including 245 drawings and 64 plates - a bargain for a two-volume set with so much information and so many illustrations.
PINA CHAN, Roman and NAVARRETE, Carlos. Archeological research in the lower Grijalva River region, Tabasco and Chiapas (Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation)
, 52 p, stelae in unusual styles, covers Chontalpa region of Tabasco & Las Palmas region of Chiapas., includes 5 tables, 100 maps, B&W photos and illustrations,
NAJERA CORONADO, Martha Ilia, Bonampak (Spanish Edition)
, 142 pages on the best paper, coffee table book size and quality, includes photographs of the Lacandones not often published elsewhere, 79 photographs including many full-page and many double-page spreads of the murals.
REYES-VALERIO, Constantino, DE BONAMPAK AL TEMPLO MAYOR: EL AZUL MAYA en Mesoamerica, 1993, the most complete book on "MAYA BLUE" pigment of the Bonampak and Cacaxtla murals; reveals how to make Maya Blue yourself, gives complete recipe and even pictures the whole process; all 38 professional quality photographs are in full color, 160 p., 52 drawings, 8 maps
UNAM, MEMORIAS DEL PRIMER COLOQUIO INTERNACIONAL DE MAYANISTAS, 1985. 56 maps, 242 figs, 1146 p. They never print enough of these important books to go around, so when this book goes out of print it will fetch $150 and up. Now just $100 for over one thousand pages. This is the most comprehensive set of articles on recent discoveries in Maya art, iconography, epigraphy, and archaeology to appear in recent years. Includes Tikal, Tulum, Belize, Cacaxtla, and two new sculptures just discovered at Bonampak.
Lee, Thomas A. Jr., THE The artifacts of Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas, Mexico (Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation)
, 231p., Preclassic, fully illustrated, NWAF #26,
LOWE, Gareth W., and Agrinier, Pierre, PAPERS OF THE NEW WORLD ARCHAEOLOGICAL FOUNDATION NUMBERS EIGHT TO ELEVEN, 186 p, hundreds of illustrations, long out of print, scarce,
BALL, Joseph, Papers of the New Archaeological Foundation No. 43 The Archaeological Ceramics of Chinkultic, Chiapas, Mexico
, 132 p., pots, architecture, plus results of diving in the cenote (yes, Chinkultic has one also), and a remarkable ballgame adoration scene painted on stucco.
de BORHEGYI, S., Archaeological reconnaissance of Chinkultic, Chiapas, Mexico
, 16 p. With photographs and maps, helpful if you have ever been or consider visiting, Chinkultic,
GALLEGOS RUIZ, Roberto, CHINKULTIC: una cuidad Maya, Intro. By Roman Pina Chan, 126 p. with lots of illustrations, includes ceramics (Jaguar God of the Underworld incensarios) and architecture. Probably has more pictures of Chinkultic than any prior or subsequent book. Tells the story of draining and dredging the cenote at Chinkultic hoping to find a treasure comparable to that of Chichen Itza.
NAVARRETE, Carlos and MARTINEZ, Edwardo, CUEVA DE LOS ANDASOLOS, UNACH, 19 pages of illustrations with descriptions of figurines, 40 pages of photographs of figurines and site, (illustrates the most important and exotic Jaguar God of the Underworld incensario ever found in the entire Maya area). This book is an essential reference for iconographers. 130 p.,
BAER, Phillip, and William Merrifield, TWO STUDIES ON THE LANCANDONES OF MEXICO, 54 photos including stunning portraits of the Lancandon Maya, 274 p. The best introduction to the Lacandon Maya, . Totally out of print
, INAH, Mexico City, 152 p, includes art and archaeology with photographs and drawings of Lacandon incense burners never before published. This is far more than a grammar, it is a complete ethnography, especially rich in mythology an ideal source for interpreting polychrome Maya vases. A book such as this is essential for iconographers. Long out of print, we have a few new copies available,
HELLMUTH, N., A bibliography of the 16th-20th century Maya of the Southern lowlands: Chol, Chol Lacandon, Yucatec Lacandon, Quejache, Itza, and Mopan, 1524-1969, (Occasional ... in anthropology. Archaeology series)
. Hellmuth's first publication! 114 p. Actually this is one of the best introductions to the Lacandon Maya available. If you believe that the Lacandon are the descendants of the Maya who built Bonampak, Yaxchilan or Palenque, then you need to read Hellmuth's Introduction in this standard reference work on Lacandon ethnography and ethnohistory. Includes a review of Maya ethnohistory and problems of ethnographic analogy in Maya archaeology.
NAJERA CORONADO, Martha Ilia, Bonampak (Spanish Edition)
, 142 pages on the best paper, coffee table book size and quality, includes photographs of the Lacandones not often published elsewhere, 79 photographs including many full-page and many double-page spreads of the murals.
de la GARZA, Mercedes PALENQUE
, 189 luxurious pages in coffee table size and quality including 139 photographs all in full color. Although in Spanish this is the only book yet on Palenque where ALL the photographs are color, more than any other book yet published on Palenque. Scores of line drawings.
LEE, Thomas A. Jr., Mound 4 Excavations at San Isidro, Chiapas, Mexico (Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation, Number Thirty-Four)
, 88 p., archaeology field report, NWAF #34,
HERNANDEZ PONS, Elsa C. Investigaciones arqueologicas en el Valle del Rio Tulija, Tabasco-Chiapas (Proyecto Tierras bajas noroccidentales) (Spanish Edition)
, UNAM, photos of Jaina-related figurines, Palenque style incense burners, over 200 p, with the only available photographs and map of Maya ruins of TORTEGUERO, source of stelae in Villahermosa museum. Long out of print. Our copies are brand new; how is this possible? We bought them over 9 years ago but never opened the boxes since we have been so busy with our research projects.
HERRMANN, Andreas, Auf den Spuren der Maya: Eine Fotodokumentation von Teobert Maler (1842-1917)
, 19th century photographs by TEOBERT MALER of Maya sites. Published by ADEVA-Graz (long out of print). Ignore the German, go for the great photographs: PIEDRAS NEGRAS with the Usumacinta River in the background, the stelae of Piedras Negras still in situ, YAXCHILAN with the stelae before being removed to Mexico City.
- See the illusive HUNTICHMUL II, the bizarre tower system totally unlike anything at Rio Bec.
- DZIBILTUN, the most beautiful single temple in the entire Chenes area. DSEBKABTUN's main palace before it collapsed.
- Panorama of HOCHOB before the most ornate monster-facade building collapsed.
- SANTA ROSA XTAMPAK as it looked in the last century. - front and rear views. 19th century photographs including the sculptures in the palace while still intact! The incredible temple of Maler's Plate 42 has never been found since - one of the most bizarre sculptured facades in the Chenes area.
- The Maler photograph of DZIBILNOCAC is the best ever taken.
- Shows KIUIC, ICHPICH, and many ruins unknown until George Andrews rephotographed them in the 1970's.
- The view of XKICHMOL (sic) shows a view no longer possible today.
- Shows what Uxmal looked like in the last century.
Libraries, scholars, and collectors are coming to FLAAR since they report the publisher in Graz says it is "sorry, out of print." You cannot get this cheaper by ordering directly from Graz because they have no more copies. The book is totally out of print. We have about two copies left. A treasure of 19th century photographs all for $300, hardcover, printed in Europe.
SOTELO SANTOS, Laura Elena, Yaxchilan (Spanish Edition)
, 190 thick pages with 57 color photographs of a quality better than in any other publication on Yaxchilan. These particular photographs far exceed those in any book on Yaxchilan printed in the USA or Europe, and are even better than Maler's or Maudslay's photographs in part because they are in color. This particular Mexican photographer was clearly a pro.